
Monday, July 29, 2013

Toyland Tree Class Is In Session

Hello Everyone,
Yesterday was the meeting of the Toyland Tree ladies at In Between Stitches.  Their quilts are coming along beautifully.  I think the baby dolls are adorable.


The Marionettes look like they are doing a little dance.  His candy cane shoes are doing a tap dance.

The trains with the giraffe are will soon be chugging around the Christmas tree.

The girls are doing a fabulous job on their blocks.  We meet for only four more sessions, and I think there will be some finished quilts before Christmas.

I'm off to work my Monday at the shop.  It is so much fun to fondle fabric all day, see all the projects that people are working on, see new fabrics and patterns, and visit with the customers.  The Monday Ladies will be there quilting, and they are always a delight.  There's a good day ahead for me.....I hope all of you have a great day too.



  1. Your gals are really creative, Lynn! The dolls look as though they might just come alive on Christmas Eve and dance with Santa! Have a fun day...doesn't sound like work at all ;>)

  2. I love seeing how everyone has their own slant on the dolls, marionettes, and trains. Have fun at the shop!
