
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Quilting Design Components

Hello Everyone,
The first copy of my resource manual is in my hands!  This manual contains the formulas and piecing techniques for a dozen of the most common quilting components used in block construction.  You will learn how to make hundreds of blocks any size you want by changing the size of the components.

The manual will  walk you through the process step by step, and show you how to make complex blocks faster and easier.

Here is an example of how on of the components can be re-sized to make an interesting border.  The components can also be re-sized to use as sashings.

The manual will be available at In Between Stitches on Thursday, September 19th. 

We will be out and about with company from Kansas today. Mr. Joe was in the Air Force with Jerry, and they haven't seen each other in 49 years!  Oh the stories I've heard about these two young men in their prime!  I had to promise not to tell our kids.   Have a wonderful weekend.



  1. Wonderful! I was so hoping you were going to publish the manual. I'm so excited.

  2. Amazing work! I know you worked intensely on this, but I'm still so amazed at your productivity & the quality of it! It will be on my must explore list...along with a recently published pattern when we get there!

  3. Good for you Lynn! I'm going to get my hands on that book, it'll be a time saver for sure!

  4. Congratulations! This sounds like something I could use. Will it be available by mail order?

  5. Congrats for getting your manual finished! Sure looks pretty! Have a great time at the cabin...sounds like you may hear some very interesting stories!

  6. Congratulations ! What a wonderful manual !

  7. Your day sounds like loads of fun, Lynn! I think your manual is going to be a best seller and an invaluable tool for quilters everywhere!

  8. Will the only place your manual is available is at In Between Stitches? Will they feature on their website to online order?

  9. Now this sounds like a great resource!!

  10. You must be so happy to see it finally printed, bound and in your hands. I know it was a lot of work, but I think it's going to sell well.

  11. Hi Lynn, Where will your publication be available for purchase? I've enjoyed reading and following your components. Our Guild had a change with four designs. This sure makes sense to me--(need to practice more though!)

  12. Congratulations Lynn! How exciting! I know this is going to be a great book to have! I also wanted to tell you a big "thank you"... I had been on Pinterest to find other quilts like the one I plan on making... and I saw you had made one! Out of all the ones I saw, yours was the one that spoke to me. I loved it... Summer Wind!
