
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dynamic Duo Becomes Terrific Trio

Hello Everyone,
The laughter has tripled with the addition of Nancy and Wayne from Nancie Anne Quilts to our group.  On the day we arrived at the cabin, Quilt Sue saw a deer and a coyote during the first couple of hours of her visit.  This is the only bear we've seen so far.

Here we are at Calaveras Big Trees State Park.  The question is......are we waiting for someone to wander by and give us a shampoo, or are we waiting to be beheaded, are we tired.....or what?

Actually we were gazing up at the trees from our relaxing vantage point.

It was a long walk.

We spent our afternoon with an app-lee-kay lesson on the deck.  I have a whole new flippin' vocabulary after spending a week with Quilt Sue.

We started making a Harvest of Hope table runner for Thanksgiving.

Little Maecee is appropriately dressed for the queen's visit.

So is Zinnie.  They are both ladies in in waiting for their supper.

More adventures are in store today.  We had to make a change of plans and cancel our expedition to Yosemite since our lawmakers CANNOT get their act together and pass our budget.  We aren't going to let them dampen our spirits with the closure of our National Parks.  Quilt Sue and Nancy will just have to make a return visit when the parks are open.  Sounds like a good idea to me!



  1. That is too bad your plans got squashed, but I think a return trip is a lovely idea.

  2. So sorry your plans have to be cancelled, but I'm sure you girls are having a blast anyway :-)

  3. Make that flippin' lawmakers Lynn!!!! A return trip seem definitely in order!

  4. It is a shame that they will not be able to see our Yosemite Park . How fun that they are making a Harvest of Hope table runner . What a great idea !

  5. Love the pics...I laughed out loud several times! Especially seeing you looking way up, and seeing Sue and Nancie Ann hug that tree! And the little crowns...too cute! Sorry you have to change your plans, but I know you will all still have a lot of fun!

  6. Great pictures. You all are having way too much fun!

  7. Yosemites closure could be just the ticket to tempt Sue across the pond again! If our shores can handle 3 Grammies giggling like teenagers again...

  8. You all seem to be having such a lovely time, I think I may be actually a little jealous, which is unusual for me. Take care and enjoy.

  9. With all the fun you three are having I don't see any reason why you couldn't sneak in the back way to Yosemite (wink). If all of you wear cute little crowns like the dogs are, who could possibly say no!
