
Friday, October 18, 2013

Machine Quilting Country Charmer

Hello Everyone,
Just a couple of quick pictures of Lesley The Cuddle Quilter's beautiful Country Charmer quilt.  Lesley was so sweet and organized the Country Charmer Quilt-A-Long which put my pattern on the map......all around the world. When Lesley finished her quilt top, I told her I would quilt it for her if she wanted me to.

Let me begin by saying Lesley is an excellent piecer.  As Quilt Sue would say, "Lesley didn't loose any pointy bits."  Her quilt loaded on to the machine so evenly....she's a machine quilters dream come true.  I don't consider myself a machine quilter.....I just happen to have a long-arm that I use for my own quilts. 

The lighting for this picture is way off, but I wanted to be able to show the quilting in the double borders.  Taking pictures of a quilt while it is on the long-arm is a bit dicey between the lighting and the angles.

Lesley and I have what I'm going to call "Sister Stashes."  Our tastes are so similar and I have so many of the same fabrics, this quilt could be mine.  In fact is it mine until I mail it back to Nova Scotia!

I'm taking my time on your quilt Lesley.  I'll be working on it between soccer games, swim meets and cheerleading this weekend.  You can always come and virtually visit with your quilt right here. Visiting hours are always open!

I'm taking a quilting break today while I go to the Pacific International Quilt Festival.  If anyone in blogland plans on attending, please stop by the In Between Stitches Booth #725 and say hi to Erica and Melissa.  I'll be wandering around the show looking at quilts in utter amazement and shopping at the hundreds of vendor booths.  This sounds exhausting but someone has to do it!



  1. Wow, this quilting is excellent!!!!!!

  2. It was gorgeous when I asked to see it while there and now with the "frosting", even more so...we could all ask you to quilt our CC's for us...but something tells me there's a new pattern screaming to get out!

  3. It looks GORGEOUS. As Nancy said, when would you like the rest of ours?

    Have fun at PIQF.

    1. Oh Sue! I'm soooo proud of you! Now Lynn knows there's more than one Chief Executive in Fantasyland!!!

  4. Lesley's quilt is gorgeous and your quilting is magnificent!!! Lesley will be over the moon to see this pics!! WOW!!

  5. Your quilting is AMAZING as always ! Just gorgeous! How nice of you to offer to quilt her Country Charmer for her. She is going to love it and it is even more special since you the designer quilted it for her

  6. Oh how fun to see this one. Lesley must be squirming to have this 'in sight'.

  7. I love the quilting on this. Very nice and your project will be beautiful when finished.

  8. OM Gosh Lesley's Quilt is gorgeous. Awesome job you are doing on it Lynn.

  9. Oh, my, golly! I just arrived home from a quilt show a couple of hours away, grabbed my iPad to catch up on some blogs and see this! Unbelievable! You have taken my little quilt to another level. I am almost speechless and in awe, but you know I am never really speechless! You are just the sweetest gal! Love what you are doing. Thank you many times over!

  10. How fun for Lesley to be able to visit her quilt virtually while you do such an amazing job quilting it, Lynn! I wouldn't be surprised if she couldn't wait, though, and popped up on your doorstep!

  11. Lesley will be thrilled with your gorgeous quilting , I may have to take a little trip to visit her when this arrives back in N.S.

  12. You did a gorgeous job!
    Oh how I wish I could be at the show this year. I had such a great time last year.

  13. I always love the way you quilt your quilts and this is again gorgeous quilting! Lesley is a lucky girl!

  14. I loved Lesley's quilt when I saw it on her blog, but the quilting is really making it a show stopper. I wish I could see it in person.
