
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Harvest of Hope Class is in Session

Hello Everyone,
Last Sunday, the classroom at In Between Stitches was filled with Autumn colors while the girls worked on their Harvest of Hope quilt.  We had pumpkins.............
....and acorns.............

 .... little blue birds of happiness and red, plaid apples!  Perfect.  My passion for plaid is wearing off on everyone in the classroom.

 There were blue and brown pumpkins....

.....gorgeous, 3-D sunflowers.....

....and more pumpkins.

There were little birds taking flight............great attention to detail in his wing....

.....and flowers.

There was a lot of tracing and applique preparation going on at this table with Frick and Frack.

Jollyne was unable to attend class but she sent me a picture of her fantastic progress.  I love to get pictures!

Then the girls started working on the barn roof.  The girls had their hammers (sewing machines), their nails (needles), their saws (rotary cutters), and they had started raising the roof. This process can't be hurried.  It takes some time for a barn raising.  The colors in this roof look good enough to eat!

We collectively decided it's an old barn that's seen a few years out in the elements.  The barns are going to be as swaybacked at the old gray mare out in the pasture.

I wish all of you could see, (and hear) everything that takes place in the classroom at In Between Stitches.  This group is focused on finishing their Harvest of Hope quilts and have them on display in their homes next year. 

All of the girls are an inspiration to me.  They work hard during the month and then come to class and fill the design walls with their completed blocks.  I appreciate all of your hard work.  What a wonderful group of women!



  1. So wonderful as always.
    Greetings Grit

  2. What a wonderful show and tell! Love the fabric choices, and especially love how everyone is using plaids! You've taught them well!

  3. Wish I was in class as I love applique, all the colours are really pretty too. Love the jolly sunflower and the plaid apples.

  4. Oh my goodness, it is great to watch all the design steps to creating this marvelous quilt. You have a amazing talent!

  5. As always just stunning.My mouth is still opne.

  6. Oh drat! I'm so disappointed that Sue & I weren't there to ap-LEEK-kay too! We could have been very helpful too!

  7. Nancy's right, we could have been really helpful to the class, specially when I showed them all my special way of getting glue from the applicator - out of the side rather than the top!

  8. I really enjoyed seeing these last two posts. The ladies are so creative in their fabric choices.

  9. Прекрасные аппликации!
