
Thursday, February 13, 2014

3-D Noughts and Crosses is Quilted

Hello Everyone,
My sister's 3-D Noughts and Crosses is now quilted and off of my quilting machine.  I finished it last night late....too late to get a good picture, so I waited for daylight this morning.

This was my first venture into more of a modern style of quilting.  It took me forever to do all of the ruler work and circles!  FOREVER....however, this quilt deserved every single stitch.

The back looks like a whole cloth quilt.  Gail found the large batik backing at Pacific International Quilt Festival last year.  It is hard to find a wide batik and it was perfect for her quilt.

This quilt is from Pick Four by Sue Abrey also known affectionately as Quilt Sue.  Sue wrote a wonderful book and Gail made this wonderful quilt that was stitched together with great precision and love.  We had the pleasure, and honor of spending twelve days with Sue last fall.  What a fabulous twelve days we had, and this quilt will always be a fond reminder of our time together.

Gail and I will be teaching this class on Saturday, March 1st at In Between Stitches.  This quilt is easy to make, and goes together quickly.  The complexity of the design is in the selection of the four fabrics.....just Pick Four!



  1. It is absolutely gorgeous, Lynn! You did a great job with the machine quilting and the backing looks as good as the front! The pattern you chose is perfect! I can't thank you enough! And now it's binding time!

  2. It's a beauty! You and Gail did a great job. How lovely that this quilt will always be a reminder of Quilt sue's visit. Just lovely!

  3. is's hard to believe that Gail has only quilted for a short time......talent must run in the family.....the quilting is gorgeous......

  4. It is stunning - in it's color, construction, and the quilting!

  5. Beautiful. Well done to both of you.

  6. Congrats to both you and Gail for making such a stunning quilt with the fabric choices, piecing, and quilting. Bravo!

  7. You and Gail did Sue proud on this one, Lynn! It's just stunning!

  8. What a lovely quilt. The quilting is really beautiful, and all those circles!! What a great collaboration!

  9. I love this quilt! You three ladies are amazing!

  10. Lynn you've really done Gail proud on this. You've both done such a wonderful job with this quilt. I think in future, if I design something, I'll send it to Gail to piece and she can pass it to you to quilt. I'll do the binding!

  11. Beautiful quilt and really amazing quilting!

  12. What a true "Sister Act"! Your class should be great fun and what a beautiful quilt to show & and pattern to teach.
