
Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Booth is Ready to Go

Hello Everyone,

My "mock" booth was completely set up yesterday by the twins.  They are budding decorators at heart.

Kinsey had her clipboard and was responsible for checking inventory.  Emily finished stuffing the last of the patterns into plastic bags.

Emily and I went around the house and gathered up picnic baskets, tool boxes, and quilt stands to use as props.

All of the pictures are on my phone so we can recreate the same scenario tomorrow during set up. 

Now, almost everything is packed up and ready to be carried to the car and taken to the show.

I can't imagine what it must be like going to Quilt Market.  Preparing for this show was monumental for me!

If I have time, and the energy, I'll try to post during the Auburn quilt show......maybe.  My sister Gail will be here first thing in the morning to follow us to Auburn.  Her SUV will be loaded to the rafters too!  It takes a village to pull a booth together.



  1. Have a wonderful time and give my best to Gail! You will have an awesome successful show!

  2. Everything looks great, Lynn have fun!!!


  3. Everything looks perfect for the show ! Now you are all set ;-)
    I will bring my camera and take pictures of your booth :-D
    See you Saturday !

  4. It all looks lovely and what a great work team you have. Luck on a super show!

  5. It sounds like fun.....I wish I was there to help....I miss the customers.....

  6. Safe travels and cheerful sales! I wish that I could come to the show but it is looking less and less probable :(
    I have no doubt that you will all be a hit!!

  7. Have a lovely productive sale - your booth looks so inviting

  8. I bet it was so much fun to watch the girls helping, Lynn! I think your both is going to look outstanding! Have lots of fun at the show!

  9. Hope you have a wonderful show and sell out of all your patterns, even though that means the girls will find themselves busy stuffing more patterns into bags!

  10. Shows are an amazing amount of work! Your booth is going to look great - I love the props you chose.
