
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Quilting with Components

Hello Everyone,
I've taught the Quilting with Components or Patchwork Math class several times in the last few months.  I thought it was time for me to practice what I preach, and start making some blocks of my own using only the components in my Patchwork Math book.

I started with this beautiful collection of Grant Park fabric by Minick and Simpson that I bought at Prairie Queens. I usually can't stick with just one fabric line, so I drew other lines of fabric and added them to the collection.

I started making components to make a 9" block.  Then I started to play with the components.

I made nine variations using only 25 components.  I arranged and rearranged.  I'm sure I could have made more, but it was time to move on and make other components.
I'm trying to multi-task and get dual duty out of this one project.  I'm far from done, but I made good progress today.  I'm making step-outs for my episode of The Quilt that is going to be filmed the end of June.  I will also use these step-outs for my next guild workshop in a couple of weeks.  This project is also going to be part of my online quilt-a-long beginning June 10th.  More on that later.

I've gone back and forth trying to figure out what fabrics would look good on camera.  My first instinct was Civil War old standby.  I made a couple of blocks from my Civil War stash and I'll continue to make some more. Today this fabric was calling me and I heard it loud and clear!

My blocks are 9" blocks.  I can use the formulas in the book and make them any size I want.  I'm thinking a sampler quilt of different sized blocks and components might just be fun to make.  Now the question I have enough time to get it done? 

What's interesting about this project is......I don't have anything sketched out for the end project.  I guess it's going to be a design-as-I-go-by-the-seat-of-my-pants!  Who knows what it's going to look like?  Stay tuned............



  1. Very pretty! Patchwork Math is a valuable quilting go to for me.

  2. Love the colors.....I'm sure this will be a beautiful we have to subscribe to see you on Alex's show......

  3. First of all you need to clone yourself, Lynn ;>) I love the M&S fabrics - they ought to make a big splash on camera. Anything by the seat of your pants is bound to be stellar at the very least!

  4. I love your Patchwork Math book SO many way to makes blocks ! These blocks look wonderful in this beautiful Grants Park fabric !

  5. I'm going to have to get the patchwork Maths book here in the UK....Your blocks are lovely, I too love the civil war fabrics. Happy stitching!
