
Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Patriotic Puzzle

Hello Everyone,
It's looking very patriotic here at Sew'n Wild Oaks.  The red, white and blue is all over my quilting space at the cabin.  I don't know the names of most of these blocks.  I don't know if they have names. 

I keep making quilting components, then arrange them and rearrange them into a block.  The following block has the most components.

I'm not too sure I like the corners.......they may have to go.  If something bothers me in a quilt before I sew it together, my eye will automatically go right to the trouble spot every time.

This block has the least number of components.


This is my version of the Christmas Star block.  It looks like it's all triangles, but there are only four around the center in the square in a square component.

I've found that my blocks are "spot on" while making this little sampler quilt.  All of the components are measured for accuracy before I stitch them together. So if I have an issue, I know it's in the final stitching.

No more raking for me today, it's my day to quilt the entire day!  I have many more ideas for blocks using additional components in the book.  It's like putting a puzzle together.  Which piece goes where and how many times do I rotate the piece to make it fit into the scheme of the block.  Can you tell I'm easily amused? 

Many thanks to our friends Jim and Teri for the wonderful dinner at your home last night.  It was such a treat to sit out on your deck and enjoy the beautiful weather, wonderful food, but best of all the good companionship.  Quilting friends are the best!



  1. Those Ginghams and Dots make this the cutest little sampler quilt EVER! I'm completely twitterpated over block 2...SO KYOOT!
    If last evening was anything like the time spent on your deck, enjoying the air with great company, it had to have been wonderful...I better not think about it too long or I'll be homesick!

  2. It's good that you're easily amused, Lynn...we need that these days ;>) I have an old bundle of the original Prairie Paisley that is just screaming at me to get out your book and play!!!

  3. I stumbled across your blog through Pinterest and I have to tell you how much I love your work!! Thank you for the lessons. I've just started back into sewing and I can really use the help : )

  4. We also had a wonderful time.....must get together again soon.....the wine you brought was really good.... going to have to look for it on our side of the mountain......see you soon......
