
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sew'n Wild Oaks Class is in Session

Hello Everyone,

It was another fun and productive day for my girls in the Sew'n Wild Oaks class.  We all learn from each other, and yesterday Paula showed me how she makes her adorable, itty bitty flowers.  It's the tiny one under the yellow petals.

Her flower box for Party in the Garden is going to be filled with joy.

Barbara is stomping out some clusters of grape hexies for her Once Upon a Vine.  She will be camping soon, and wanted a portable project to take while she's without power.  Hexies are a perfect project to take camping.

All of the little white veins on each of the leaves were hand embroidered by Melody.  My girls are really into adding fabulous details in their projects!

Susan, on the right has her gorgeous quilt top together and is now thinking about adding a special Seminole border to her 3-D Noughts and Crosses designed by Quilt Sue from her Pick Four book.

Karen is making her double flying geese to add to her Christmas quilt.  The plaid is just right for her center section.

Gail finished another block for her Nostalgic Christmas quilt.  Wonderful use of plaids and color is this block.  Note her precision, not a point was lost in the making of this block!

Melody has recreated a fuchsia for her Harvest of Hope quilt.  I love the plaid leaves!

Isabelle's top section for Harvest of Hope is almost finished!  Her colors are gorgeous and her grapes look good enough to eat.

Barbara has completed lots of pastel baskets for her spring version of For the Love of Baskets.  She has quite the stack of baskets completed for this one.

Barbara B is adding to her Country Corner blocks.  The block on the left is the design I'll be offering on the 2nd Tuesday of next month.

This is Susan's block for next month.  Susan got a gold star from the teacher since she found an error in my instructions.  This is why I like to have the girls work through them first, before I put the cutting directions out for the world!

All of this loveliness is being brought to you by this talented group of Sew'n Wild Oaks girls.  AND, we now have a mascot!  Mazey the mascot is getting cozy with her Auntie Gail for the photo.  Mazey loved all of the attention she received from the girls yesterday.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to walk into a room and have everyone swoon and tell you how cute you are? 

The Sew'n Wild Oaks talented girls!
Now if I could just convince one of the girls to take her for a sleepover at their house!  Someone, and I won't mention any names, (me) left the crate door unhooked last night and we had a very quiet escapee enjoying freedom in the whole upstairs.  I'm still on the hunt for little presents that she left us. 



  1. Ooooh! I'd take Mazey for a sleepover anytime! (But then I'd probably want to keep her ;o) The ladies are so very talented - I love all of the detail on their work and the fabrics and colors chosen for their projects - beautiful!!

  2. Your ladies never cease to amaze me! Gorgeous blocks all around. Mazey looks very much at home with the group!

  3. So many beautiful projects going on!! Looks like Mazey has her own quilt now or is she just your quilt model?

  4. Hi Lynn such beautiful sewing from many talented ladies! Mazey looks right at home and very content with her Auntie Gail. She obviously likes going to sewing group, then again who wouldn't with all that attention!

  5. Looks like so (sew) much fun!! If I lived closer I'd be there (I'm in Healdsburg, so the two hour drive is a bit much!!) And Mazey is soooo cute: wish I could cuddle her!! Thanks for sharing!! Hugs, H in Healdsburg

  6. I wish I lived sounds like all of you have such a good time.....Mazey can have a sleep over at my house any time.....

  7. Unkie W & Auntie N send love to Miss Fluff n' Stuff!

  8. There's more lovely work coming out of your classroom as usual. I have to say that Mazey Mascot seems to fit right in there too with her smiley face.

  9. Mr. Squash would happily take Mazey for a sleepover - she and the girls can romp around all night long! Your gals are THE most talented quilters, Lynn! So many wonderful and amazing projects!
