
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sweat Shop Central

Hello Everyone,
Just checking in with you to show the progress Gail and I made on Emilie Elizabeth's remake.  You are probably getting bored with my constant babbling, so today we have a guest blogger, my sister and quilting companion, Gail.  Gail will share a totally unbiased recap of our day in the Sew'n Wild Oaks Sweat Shop.



Lynn is adding to my "to do" list and asked me to be the guest blogger this morning.  So as I sip my morning coffee, here we go...
I arrived yesterday morning not as Lynn's sister but as her "pattern test dummy" or PTD for short, reporting for duty.  Lynn had my "basket block assembly line" ready to go.  (I think she is thinking I must be a basket case expert after making Butterscotch Baskets and For the Love of Baskets.) 

She had already made the double flying geese and the half square triangles, so I had a head start on these blocks...

I was very nervous when I started in working with this beautiful fabric line.  After finishing block #1, I thought Lynn was going to give me my "walking papers".  To use Lynn's words, the block was kind of "wonky".  We discovered our "dueling Berninas" had a difference in the 1/4" seam.  One minor adjustment and the rest of my blocks met with the bosses approval.

Lynn worked away on square in a square while I was doing baskets.  She was also cutting more basket block pieces so I had an endless supply!

"Sweat Shop Central" and the "dueling Berninas"...

Wish I could take credit for all of these but Lynn had a head start before I arrived...

One of the perks of working for my sister, I can drink on the job but not until after 4:00 (house rules).

All in all, it was a great day working with for my sister.  We laughed a lot as we always do when we get together!  And now it's back to the "Sweat Shop Central."


We lost all of Tuesday to Mazey's sudden and scary health issue.  Mr. Joe and I spent most of Tuesday morning at the Veterinary Hospital holding her paw and reassuring her that she would be okay.  The poor little thing has had a rough start in life.  She has always had digestive issues and it all came to a head early Tuesday morning with constant vomiting.  She threw up a walnut-sized something that apparently has been lodged in her insides for who knows how long.  She was one very sick little girl......and now I'm happy to say she's driving us crazy with all of the activity of a normal puppy.

Lynn & Gail


  1. I love your basket blocks. Scarey about Mazey; I hope she has recovered.

  2. Sweat Shop Central would be a fun thing to participate in. Slave driver that you work for but not a dull moment to be had.

    1. You're right, Karen, we had no dull moments but had lots of fun!

  3. Love your blocks and LOOK at how organized you are! Scary about Mazey! My daughter has a Golden-Doodle who will eat the weirdest things...and has been rushed to the vet more than once! While here for a stay with grandma she threw up a sock! From then on all bedroom doors are kept closed...and suitcases are zipped up! Poor Lola doesn't seem to learn from her errors but she is a love bug none the less!! Such a is your lovely Mazey! I hope Mazey out grows her digestive issues!
    All the best!

    1. Thank you, Paulette! I think I could make baskets in my sleep now!

  4. All your pretty little baskets in a row!! Oh, poor Mazey.

    1. Thank you! They are cute, aren't they! Lynn picked all the fabrics.

  5. Sometimes sisters make the worst slave masters, dont they! Ha! Glad Mazey is now right as rain!

    1. Yes, Kellie, but at least she didn't send me home after my first "wonky" block!

  6. You have quite a nice production line going there and SO organized ! Poor Mazey !

    1. Yes, we do, Sue! By day 3, we had this down to a science!

  7. Gail has earned her wings! Photo #2 is the best illustration I've ever seen of Organized affliction we should all have more of...maybe...
    Shall I send Mazey a photo of Tess's stapled incision and have a heart to heart with her about the dangers of consuming foreign objects? Even though she went into shock and was on deaths door, she's bounding around like nothing ever is us who are still recovering...and a bit paranoid about taking our eyes off her.

    1. Thanks, Nancie! The best thing is not having to agonize over picking fabric choices. That's always a tough one for me.

  8. I just absolutely love the word "wonky". It's one that I can relate to on soooo many levels :D

    1. Isn't it the perfect word, Paula, and I finally fixed this wonky basket on day 3!

  9. I'd work in this sweat shop any day, Gail, but it wouldn't be work with all those block pieces cut and ready to go! Your "boss" should be give the Bosses award for the year ;>) Who knew two Berninas would sew a different 1/4" seam, too! Glad to hear Miss Mazey is right as rain now, too!

    1. Yes, I would, too, Candace! Having all those little pieces cut out for me makes a huge difference!

  10. I am so glad to hear Mazey is okay! It sounds like a scary time. I am sorry Gail that you are stuck in the sweat shop! lol The blocks look wonderful! Good job!

    1. Thanks, Rebecca. If I had to be stuck in a sweat shop, this is the one I want to be stuck in!

  11. So glad Mazey is OK. Did the vet ever see exactly what she ate? Some folks up the road had a young golden retriever Ozzie that ate the husband's underwear (this really is true). Ozzie required surgery to remove the underwear. One way to spend a few thousand. Anyway, Ozzie is now fine and hopefully everyone in his family is picking up their underwear. Our first golden Brandy ate socks. Luckily for us they went all the way through. Our backyard was colorful. Do you feed Mazey food for "sensitive stomachs?" We use ProPlan for Toby and my daughter uses Blue Buffalo for sensitive stomachs. Goldens do the craziest things.

    1. Lynn and I are still laughing over the dog eating underwear story, Sue!

  12. Beautiful blocks , I love baskets . Poor little Mazey , hope she is feeling much better now .

  13. Good grief Gail, is there no end to your sister's slave-driving. She's got you not only making her blocks for her, but now even writing her blog for her too. Whatever next I wonder?

    Lynn, I hope that Mazey is feeling better now?

    1. I know, Sue! My "to do" list keeps getting longer! Lynn said something about mopping the kitchen floor but I declined the invitation!

  14. Gail, I think you found a great job! Pieces all cut out for you, wine, a cute puppy (so glad Mazey is feeling better - scary!) and an awesome space to sew! Love all of the fabrics in those blocks.

    1. Yes, I know. I can't complain too much. Lots of "perks" in this sweat shop!

  15. Hey Gail! My sister is a slave driver too ;O) but I wouldn't have it any other way! You're a great tester - love your blocks!!! My heart did a little stop when I started reading about Mazey - so very, very happy she is okay!!

    1. Thanks, Tina! Now the question is, is your sister older or younger?

  16. What a surprise to read your guest post today! Gail, your sense of humour shines through! Also loved seeing all the pictures of those gorgeous blocks. The duelling Berninas sure work well together. Glad Mazey is on the mend again.

    1. Thanks, Lesley! This guest blogger stuff is all new to me. We have had lots of fun!
