
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Emilie Elizabeth is Growing

Hello Everyone,
By the end of the day, this is what Emilie Elizabeth looked like.  It was a full day of stitching.  All of the parts and pieces were made, I just had to add them on to the quilt.

She started her morning looking like this after I took the last stitch of applique.

I took a picture after each addition was added.

By lunchtime she was really taking shape.

I wish I had one of those morphing programs to show the change over time.  This is what she looked like before dinner......quitting time.

I was able to get all of this done since my sister helped me with all of the baskets two weeks ago.  Today I will stitch all of the squares in a square together and start working on the final borders.  I knew this would make up beautifully in the Marcus fabrics.  I have quite a bit of the fabrics from Judie's Album Quilt left so I can make something else too.....and I'm full of ideas!

I've been having problems with my email over the past few weeks.  I've been responding to your comments personally, but I know that some of my emails are not transmitting.  After spending way too much time on the phone with Comcast, I decided to change my email to Google.  My new email address is: 

Speaking of problems with technology, Mr. Joe and I managed to set up a new Smart TV and a new wireless modem.  Boy oh boy, a Smart TV can make two people look really dumb!  The TV is way smarter than we ever hope to be. The manual states the more you watch your new TV, the smarter it becomes!  Now that is scary.  Does that mean the more we watch it, we'll become dumber?    Dumb and dumber, that's how we felt the other day.  We've finally recovered from the ordeal, and we've managed to stream Netflix right to our living room.  Our son had to intervene and show us how to work our new TV.  Our troubles began when Mr. Joe kept holding the remote backwards which pointed it at his mid-section instead of the TV.  No wonder it wouldn't work, but it did change Mr. Joe's channel to a high definition of Irritated.

I remember having a TV that received 3 stations, and that was on a good day.  All you had to do was turn it on, move the rabbit ears, and you were good to go.  Life was so much simpler.

Here's to the simple life for two simple people.



  1. LOL technology at it's best. For our savvy grandchildren, but not necessarily for us.

  2. The new quilt is just gorgeous, Lynn! It is really coming together nicely! Glad I could help! Your fabric choices with this beautiful fabric line are perfect!

  3. Your quilt looks oh so good. Good design.

    I find new technology can be very frustrating to learn how to use.

  4. I remember having ot get up and walk to the TV to change the channel. Wow, how did we manage?!!!

  5. GORGEOUS !!!! Your fabric choices are PERFECT ! Looks like you are in the home stretch now ;-)

    Congrats on the new TV and glad your son was able to help you

  6. We can't operate any of the new gadgets out there without our son-in-law. My daughter wants us to get a Smart Phone. No way-a plain phone is good enough for me. And, our new car came with all sorts of gadgets-blue tooth, etc. That's nice. We will never use that stuff. The world is advancing faster than we can keep up. PS: How is Mazey's stomach doing. Better I hope.

  7. This is a prize winning quilt for sure, Lynn! Sorry for my snorting laugh over the Smart TV! It rivals our setting up of the X-Box One which I believe is similar! It still gives us fits and starts - I can hear Mr. Squash over and over saying "X-Box On" some evenings - which eventually turns into "X-Box bite me" - giggle! Lordy, do we ever long for the days of 3 channels and rabbit ears!

  8. Emilie Elizabeth is showing up at the party as a beautiful woman in a lovely new dress! What a wonderful pattern...
    By the way... the rabbit ears worked better if they were wrapped in "tin" foil!! The white on our TV was more of a yellow and for years I thought we had color TV!!!

  9. Your quilt is so beautiful! Love the way the reds and blues work so well together!

  10. Emilie Ellizabeth is growing up to be a beautiful young lady.

    After reading about your adventures with a "Smart" TV, I don't want one. We have enough trouble with having 2 remotes, one for the Sky box, which also drives the TV (most of the time) and one just for the TV. I can't begin to tell you the muddles we can get into with those!
