
Monday, October 6, 2014


Hello Everyone,
You probably think I'm on a blogging vacation.  Not really, just busy doing quilting related things but not actually quilting.  This sign was at Quilting in the Garden and this sums up what I'm trying to do.....FOCUS on getting many loose ends tied.

I'm not frazzled....yet.  I do have a long to-do list.  First and foremost I finished the binding and hanging sleeve for Emilie Elizabeth last night.  I'll take pictures of her this week now that she can hang properly.

Here's a snapshot of my to-do list:

I'm putting a sales flyer together to go with Emilie while she's at Quilt Market.  I'm pouring over the quilt and documenting exactly how much of each Marcus Brothers fabric I used, and linking it to the pattern number in an Excel spreadsheet.  This will help me when I'm cutting the fabrics for the Emilie Elizabeth BOM at In Between Stitches which will begin in January.  It will also make a nice sales tool for other shops. FOCUS on the computer.

This week I have to re-write the pattern and reference the correct colors I used in the new quilt.  This isn't exactly a daunting task, but it takes time to get it right! FOCUS on details.

I'll be at the In Between Stitches booth on October 18th during Pacific International Quilt Festival (PIQF) demonstrating components and equations from my Patchwork Math book.  I'll put together a short presentation and make sure I have all of my components in a row.  FOCUS on a coherent sales pitch.

I'm also working on the details of my retreat at the end of October at Snowflake Lodge.  Maybe I should give the cabin a thorough cleaning before the 25 quilters arrive for a tour?  FOCUS on cobwebs.

I'm off to work this morning at the shop. FOCUS on customers.

I'm teaching tomorrow at the shop and have the lesson plan all put together.  FOCUS on students.

At the end of October, I'm going to slow down so my life doesn't get out of FOCUS!


P.S. Did you notice that blogging isn't on my list?  I'm may be silent for days at a time.  Mr. Joe would love that!


  1. I just got tired while reading your post! You are a busy girl! Good luck in all of your endeavors - I know you will FOCUS and it will all come off without a hitch!

  2. Oh yes Lynn! There is always SO much to do and for some reason, the hours in the days seem to get shorter and shorter every year ;o)
    P.S. Your Emilie Elizabeth 2 is really beautiful! I can't wait to see your final pictures.

  3. Busy Busy girl ! But in a good way :-)

  4. Seasons for everything. :) I was out of the loop for several months because of my thesis. That's about to get wrapped up, so I'm starting to re-emerge. You do what you need to do - we'll enjoy you as we get you. ;D

  5. Do you think you could squeeze in any more to the month of Oct. Whew you go girl.

  6. I think I need a nap after reading your list, Lynn! I'm sure being as organized as you are that it goes a long way in getting things done! Now...just wait until Emilie Elizabeth makes her debut in Houston - I have a feeling this is just the beginning :>)

  7. Oh those to-do lists! Don't we all have them? Yours seems much more ... official than mine - like you might actually get it all done. Good luck!

    ps I'll look for you at PIQF.

  8. and don't forget to focus on YOU from time to time.
