
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sew'n Wild Oaks Class Continued

Hello Everyone,
I'm posting more pictures from my Sew'n Wild Oaks class to show you what the girls are working on.  They always test out the Country Corners blocks a month in advance for me.  Several of the girls decided to work on their blocks and completed them.

Here are Carol's beautiful Country Corners blocks.

More Country Corners blocks from Barbara.

We had pumpkins and acorns for Harvest of Hope.


We had haunted houses and fences for October Magic.

There was a pile of blocks for Wendy's project.

Susan finished her Nostalgic pillow top.

 Gail finished a Winterset block.

My sister and I are headed to Pacific International Quilt Festival in Santa Clara this morning. There are hundreds of vendors and hundreds of quilts to enjoy.  I'll also be there again on Saturday at the In Between Stitches booth #732.  I'll be demonstrating my Patchwork Math book formulas and piecing techniques.  Please stop by to say hello and visit the booth. 


P.S. Great job Giants!!