
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Thelma and Louise Are On The Road

Hello Everyone,
Thelma (my sister Gail,) and Louise (me), are hitting the road this morning to Loomis, CA for a guild lecture tonight at the Loomis Quilt and Fiber Guild.
This is just one pile of quilts. I incorporate 23 quilts into my lecture entitled, "The Geography of a Quilt."  

Barbara, the guild's president, sent me an email last week and asked me what's my favorite color.....I immediately said plaid.  Yesterday her email said she made a little something for me......I can't wait to see what she made.

Thank you all for you wonderful comments about my appearance on The Quilt   I've been flying high the last couple of days, and now it is time to come back to earth and get back to work.   There are lots of details to take care of when getting ready for a talk.  I try to make my talks informative and funny by including true stories about growing up in Paradise.  I include many pictures and of course a parade of quilts.

I'll report back to you when we return.  Be creative for me today!



  1. Yes Ma'am! I'll work on that! ;-} Wish I could be there for the lecture & storytelling, perhaps from the back so I could heckle you a little! Where's HRH when I need her?!?!?!?!

  2. Sounds like you have a great presentation planned! Have fun you two!

  3. Last fall I stopped at a couple wonderful places in Loomis. One was a fiber store called Copper something - I'm sure they're involved with the guild you're meeting with. And there was a spectacular plant nursery nearby with a restaurant. Hope you get a chance to visit both places while you're there. Have fun - wish I was coming.

  4. Have a great trip - sounds like a lot of fun! I was so excited to see you on The Quilt Show... You did an outstanding job!!!

  5. Watch out for those Brad Pitt looking guys. Have a wonderful time Ladies.

  6. Have a great time - hope you let your sis have a whole cookie this time - lol!

  7. The Loomis Guild is in for a great treat!
