
Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Winner of the Strip'n Sew Is............

Hello Everyone,
My name is Mazey and I'm one adorable 11-month-old pooch!  I know today is a big day for me because I get to select the winner of the Sew'n Wild Oaks Strip'n Sew.  First my Mom and Dad had to take me to the dog park to run off my anxiety before I selected the winner.  I take my job very seriously.

I went to the store and bought a new box of my favorite doggie treats.  Dad numbered them individually.  The names were randomly assigned a number in an Excel spreadsheet.  I tried to help my Mom enter the names, but I'm all thumbs when it comes to keyboarding.

See my green paws??  I told you we went to the park first and I brought some of the grass home with me.  Just look at all those treats in front of me.  For just a puppy, I show an extreme amount of restraint before diving in.

Hummm.....let me think.....who should I pick?

I'm laughing because I get the biggest kick out of this!!  My Mom and Dad can't believe that I'm just laying here while they are urging me, I mean begging me to select a winner.  They are BEGGING me!!!  See where I get it from.

Okay, enough is enough.  I'll select a winner when I'm good and ready and I think I'm ready.

 #45 is MARIE from QuiltBee.  Marie said,
"Oh Lynn, you are such a natural! You were wonderful, and it was so nice to see all of the lovely samples that you took to show - I would have loved to see your Country Charmer in red & green. And many thanks to the ruggedly handsome Mr. Joe for helping make sure that we're all stripping properly ;)"

I'll contact Marie and a Sew'n Wild Oaks Strip'n Sew will be on the plane to Canada this week.  Maybe we should hitch Mazey up and deliver the Strip'n Sew via dog sled personally to Marie in Pembroke, Ontario.  Now wouldn't that be fun!  It's only 2,884 miles.  So my question to Marie is, "Do I need to learn to bark in French?"

Mazey, Lynn and the ruggedly handsome Mr. Joe


  1. Congrat's to the lucky winner. Nice job Mazey.

  2. Congats to Marie! This is too funny! I ran across my favorite baby picture of Mazey earlier today. She is as beautiful at 11 months as she was as a baby. She still has that precious Teddy Bear expression that she had when you photographed her sitting on Zinnies Choice all those months ago. She is a blessed puppy!

  3. Congratulations Marie !!!!!!!!!!

    Great job Mazey !

  4. Congrats to Marie! Great job Mazey!

  5. Good job Mazey, bark Hi to your Mom & Dad! Congrats to Marie :0)

  6. Oh Mazey, you did such a wonderful job! I love how you teased your mom and that ruggedly handsome senior citizen! You've done Miss Zinnie proud by carrying on her tradition! Congratulations to Marie! I hope the Strip 'n Sew makes her quilting life simpler (wink)!

  7. Congratulations to Marie. And, Mazey, you did wonderful at taking your job seriously.

  8. It's almost as fun to watch Mazey choose a winner as it would be to win! Is Mr. Sew'n Wild Oaks going to be making more Strip 'n Sews and selling them?

  9. Well done Mazey! Marie, I think you're gonna love it! :)

  10. Great job, Mazey! I am amazed that you didn't pounce in the middle of all those treats! Congratulations to Marie! What a great gift and you are really going to like this! My Strip'n Sew is hard at work auditioning fabric for Grammy Squares as I test Lynn's pattern directions. Enjoy!

  11. Congratulations to Mazey, you did an awesome job. I can't believe that was your first time.
    Congratulations too to Marie, I'm sure you'll find it very useful.

  12. I'm speechless (which is something in and of itself!). Thank you Lynn, Mazey and the ruggedly handsome Mr. Joe for making my day! Can't wait for the postman to deliver so I can start stripping properly!!

  13. Congrats to Marie!! Mazey sure has a great sense of humor that comes out when she writes!! :-P
