
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Catching Up

Hello Everyone,
Busy days here at Sew'n Wild Oaks.  There's been a whole lot of activity going on but not much sewing.  I got Heartfire together and trimmed yesterday.  Today I'll get the borders on and possibly have time to load it on the long arm.

I've also been making more of the little vases filled with Dresden fans.  I won't cut off anymore corners and apply the flange until I'm finished, and decide on the final placement of the vases.  I could just add one more row at the bottom and have a nice wall hanging.  These are so much fun to make that I hate to stop!

I really need to have a heart to heart talk with my scheduler.....that would be me.  What was I thinking when I committed to a guild lecture and workshop the SAME week that I'm having a booth at a quilt show!!!  I'm speaking at the Foothill Quilters Guild on April 13th and I'm doing a Patchwork Math workshop on the 14th.  As soon as I get home, I have to prepare my booth for the Amador Valley Quilt Show on April 18th and 19th.
There is a lot that needs to come together for a lecture and workshop.  I'm always fine tuning the lecture and making changes to my talk.  The workshop binder is ready to go with all of my Patchwork Math components, specialty rulers, and class examples.  I always have to review the binder to make sure everything is in order for the class.  Class handouts need to be printed and organized to make sure the class is a good experience for everyone.....including me.
Then there's the printing and collating of patterns for the guild and the quilt show.  My sister Gail helped me for three hours one day last week.  We sat at the kitchen table and collated patterns and applique inserts.  The printer has been running non-stop for days.  Which means I've been running non-stop for days.  Mr. Joe lost his position as chief pattern stuffer when he kept putting the patterns in the plastic bags upside down. I think he planned this so he wouldn't have to include pattern stuffing in his job description anymore.  He's a sharp one!
To add to all of this mayhem, let's throw in a 40th birthday party, Spring Break which means spending time with the little kids, Easter brunch for fifteen, preparing my notes and quilts for the shop's Preview Party on Tuesday, working and teaching.  I think I'll go back to bed now..........


  1. Your Heartfire is GORGEOUS!! Love it!!

  2. Oh, how different this one looks - so pretty and soft. You will pull it all together - get a new box of fresh doughnuts and the help will come.

  3. Question here. Still working on the stars for Butterscotch Baskets. Do you prefer to press seams to one side so parts lock together or do you prefer to press seams open? Have seen teachers recommend both ways. And, your Heart Felt quilt top is lovely.

  4. Lynn, over this week I knew that your "silence" meant that something great was on the horizon and you did not disappoint!! Heartfire is beautiful.
    I am exhausted, however, just imaging your schedule!!! I hope there is some "you" time in there somewhere :)

  5. Whew - I need a nap just reading this! Hah - Mr. Joe is not only ruggedly handsome, but smart! Too bad Mazey can't get in on the action - she would surely be a good helper - giggle!

  6. Your quilts are wonderful. Remember to take some time for you okay. Happy Easter!

  7. Oh Lynn!! Wish I were closer: I'd at least help you stuff patterns. My pay would be the fun I'd have talking to you and getting to enjoy your sense of humor!! :-) I hope you survive all you scheduler lined up for you!! '-) hugs, H

  8. Wow - you are busy, busy, busy! Somehow I know you will pull it off! Have a happy Easter and good luck at all of your quilty things coming up! We cancelled Easter because we have a show next weekend and too much to do!
