
Friday, September 4, 2015

Square in a Triangle Component

Hello Everyone,
Here is the last block in the series that I made for my classroom section for The Quilt Show.  Now what do I do since this is over???  Not to worry, I know I'll keep busy and you will be able to watch the series for FREE forever!  The cutting directions for this block is available HERE.

There really aren't too many components making up this block.  This block will reinforce the construction of a square in a square, flying geese, and the square in a triangle.  It's all about color and placement.  You can watch the video where I explain the formula, and how to make the square in a triangle component HERE.

This picture shows you four variations of this block.  It is so much fun playing with the components.  My blocks are almost always "spot on" when it comes to the finished size. When I'm making my components, I'm constantly measuring.  When the components are perfect, the whole block will be perfect. 
Here's the grand finale.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the little Y-square sashing around this block.  It sets it off beautifully.  The video showing you how to make the Y-Squares is HERE.  To my eye, the sashing and corner posts give the block a lacy look.  I didn't want the corner posts to overpower the entire quilt, so I used the same fabric that I used in the sashing.  What started out as blocks to use for TQS for teaching purposes is turning into a fabulous quilt.  I'm going to call this one Patchwork Math on Steroids.  Not really, but a name isn't coming to me yet. 

Today is the last day to enter the contest to win one of Mr. Joe's Strip'n Sews.  Send an email addressed to:  Enter Win with Lynn in the subject line.  Contest ends September 4, 2015.

I have a few more sashings to make today and one more block to add to the mix.  It's also time for me to dust off my logs at the cabin.  Company is arriving in a couple of weeks and that means it's time to clean.....YUCK.....I'd rather be quilting.
I hope you all have a happy and safe Labor Day weekend.


  1. What to do now, you ask. Any point in suggesting you put your feet up for a few days? No, I thought not. xx

  2. Wonderful lesson! Your blocks are beautiful and the Y square sashing in the border really adds a lot of interest.
    Thank you and TQS for such great tutorials!

  3. You are great. The lessons are fantastic and you make it very clear.

    Thanks sew much.

  4. I agree with HRH! Put those footies up for a few days! I'm so ready for Autumn and these colors are speaking to me! It's time to bust out the Halloween projects and the Halloween socks!

  5. Your block with the y blocks looks like it can be a mini quilt, so much detail!

  6. Love this block! I have enjoyed your videos so much and definitely plan to make a sampler from your book. Thanks for sharing your expertise!
