
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Twinkle Trees Table Topper

Hello Everyone,
While the weather outside has been frightful, I've been busy quilting up a storm inside the cabin.  We had 8" of snow over the weekend.

I've been working on the Twinkle Trees Table Topper from Kim Diehl's Simple Christmas Tidings book.

This was a fun and easy project.  I hope to get it on the long arm in the next week or two so I can use it this season.

Mazie loves to be included in all pictures related to quilting.  She loves to pose for me.

We spent Thanksgiving at home.  The day after Thanksgiving, Jess and Emily came over to help me set up my Christmas village.  This used to take me hours to set up by myself.  Now, Emily is in charge and directs the entire set-up.  She is now tutoring cousin Jess in the construction of the village.
We dragged everything, and I do mean everything out of the under-the-stairs-closet to get to all of the Christmas boxes.  The entrance hall, living room, family room and dining room are piled high.  The kids loved the maze they created.
Well, we finished with the family room on Friday.  There's a small tree all decorated and the village is now done.  Early Saturday morning I was at the computer and saw the weather forecast.  A foot of snow was predicted for the cabin.  We hadn't planned on going up for a couple of days, but I was afraid if we didn't arrive before the storm, we would have to dig our way through the driveway and into the cabin.
So I woke up Mr. Joe around 6am and we decided then and there to get out of town and get to the cabin before the first flakes started falling.  I packed my sewing projects and Mr. Joe packed the car......turkey carcass and all. 
To make a long story short, we made it up to the mountains one hour before the storm hit.  The temperature dropped rapidly and we just sat back, ate our turkey soup and watched it snow.  It doesn't take much to keep us entertained.

Sometime this week, we will have to go home and face the MESS we left behind.  Oh well, it's not going to go anywhere.  We wouldn't have missed this time at the cabin for all the boxes of Christmas ornaments in China!


  1. Beautiful....the table topper, Mazey and the snow! Does Mazey like the snow?

  2. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me.
    The table topper is darling, might have to add that to the tdl...

  3. I have a feeling Santa will be extra good to Emily and Jess this year! What great Elves and my oh my how fast they're growing! Your table topper is adorable..being snowed in is the perfect setting to quilt your heart out! Mazey makes the best model, too.

  4. Beautiful quilt. Beautiful snow. I miss mountain snow. It's just not the same in Kansas.

  5. All lovely, the quilt, snow, Twinkle Trees, Emily and Jessica and the village. Not quite so beautiful is the thought of all the boxes waiting to be put away when you finally make it out of the mountains. Xx

  6. Beautiful .... the quilt, the snow, your doggy!

  7. Your quilt is fantastic! You should meet my DIL. She loves to decorate the house. She has a Christmas Village too and 13 Christmas trees in different sizes. Love the snow. Hope we get a couple of flakes here in Texas this year...:)

  8. Love that quilt and the snow. Can you send South Texas some? LOL

  9. Love your quilt! I have the same book so I better get started! Really enjoyed seeing your snow pics....sounds like a wonderful time spent with family first and then your quick travels to the cabin. Let Christmas begin!
