
Monday, January 9, 2017

....and so it begins

Hello Everyone,
Well, here she is, the beginning of Prairie Flower.

This is just the beginning of a queen size bed quilt.  The fabrics are called Conestoga Crossing, and you can see them all HERE on the Marcus Fabrics website.

I can see this on the guest bed at the cabin in the fall.....or winter.....or anytime for that  matter.
I move the quilts around all year long.  When I'm not using them for shows, or lectures, they are displayed on the beds and on the walls.  I look at them as another form of insulation during the winter months.

The rest of the week is going to call for Gortex and Goulashes.  What a rainy, windy weekend here in California.  This landmark tree in Calaveras Big Trees State Park called the Pioneer Cabin Tree, is no more.  This park is only three miles from the cabin and we always take company there for a walk through the giant redwoods and always stop for a picture at this tree.  You can see the massive size of this tree in this picture of my daughter and granddaughters,.  I can't imagine what it must have sounded like when it came down during the storm.

So sad. The exact age of this tree is not known, but it could be in the range of 1,200 to 3,000 years old.  This is like losing an old friend who we visited many times during the year.

I'm off to the Delta Quilters Guild tonight for a lecture.  I hope the rain stops long enough for the drive there and during set up. When it rains, it pours.



  1. Love the new project. Oh, my heart break when such landmark trees are lost.

  2. Oh how sad! I always wondered how that tree could be alive without the pith. Your blocks are beautifully inspirational! Thanks for sharing.

  3. What a sad loss of a beautiful ancient giant. Prairie Flower is going to become a gorgeous quilt!

  4. How sad about that tree. I have seen so many photos of it through the years but never had a chance to visited the park. It was on my bucket list for the spring after Steve's retirement, two years away. I love your Prairie Flower quilt blocks. You amaze me with your talent; every corner is perfect . . . How do you do it?
    God bless you and stay safe.
    Connie :)

  5. Hopefully the rain/snow will put a much needed dent in the drought.

  6. I'm always sad when a tree dies and this is no exception. I hope somebody makes good use of it so it can live on in something man made. The quilt blocks are lovely as is the picture of the quilt on the bed and another hanging on the wall. It just feels so fresh and comfy.

  7. Oh no! I can't believe the Pioneer Cabin Tree is gone! This is just awful. Can you imagine what this magnificent tree has seen through its' amazing lifetime and the stories it could tell? I've always thought its' age is just mind-boggling! Very sad news indeed.
    Your new quilt blocks are quite lovely.

  8. You are so blessed to be surrounded by such beautiful scenery and it is sad that the tree was hit by the storm. I like your blocks and have some of the Conestoga fat quarters - maybe...

  9. What a beautiful quilt in the making! So sad to hear about the falling of that amazing tree.

  10. I never saw that amazing tree but I saw on TV that it had fallen. So very sad ... On an up note, I think Conestoga Crossing is going to be spectacular!
