
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Where Have I Been?

Hello Everyone,

No pictures today since I have nothing to show you.  But I have a doctor's note, a free pass on why I haven't been quilting, or doing anything of substance.

About a week ago I found a suspicious lump on my shin.  Went to the doctor on Tuesday and he thought I had an infection in my leg and he started me on a round of antibiotics.

By Thursday, my leg was involved from ankle to knee.  It was painful, swollen and I was miserable.  The doctor sent me to the hospital about 45 minutes from home to have a consultation with a surgeon.  The surgeon said it was a cyst and needed to be removed.

Last Friday morning, through a horrific storm, we drove the 45 minutes again to the hospital for out patient surgery.  The doctor cut me open, then said, "that's interesting" and sewed me back up with my lump still intake.  My lump/cyst turned out to be a marble-sized blood clot in a superficial vein. My daughter said she thought I've been loosing my marbles, and I just found one of them!

So off to Radiology for an urgent ultrasound of the veins in my leg.  Come to find out, I have an extensive area of blood clots, all in the superficial veins, from ankle to groin.  I know TMI, but Mr. Joe is tired of listening to me complain so I have to tell someone...that would be you.

At this writing, my entire leg has decided to join in on the party.  The vascular surgeon has me on injectable blood thinners until tomorrow, then I start oral medication for the next three months.  Yesterday my thigh was so swollen I couldn't wear my fat pants! Now let me interject here that Mr. Joe is still among the living after he said, "How can you tell it's swollen? It looks the same to me."  So sweat pants it is for an extended period of time.  Not my style, but I'm so comfortable.

I'm actually headed to Sew'n Wild Oaks class this morning to see my girls.  I will get tons of sympathy from them. They don't know it yet, but the girls are going to be waiting on me hand and leg.  I have to milk this for all it's worth while I can.   I may just as well sit in class with my leg up instead of at home with a husband who thinks I have a fat thigh!

The silver lining to this whole ordeal is that we weren't at the cabin last week.  We would have been snowed in without power and phone, and no medical facility.  The outcome may have been a little different.  Mr. Joe may have stuck me and my leg in the snowbank to bring down the swelling.  Now that I would like to see!




  1. Oh Lynn what an ordeal. Sending well wishes and hugs your way. Sympathies to your hubby also, seems to me he might need to visit the eye doctor..HAHA!

    1. Unfortunately Mr. Joe has perfect vision. However, he needs to work on his selective hearing.

    2. Or selective talking. My husband is getting better at that.

  2. Oh my, what an ordeal to go through. Yes, you will be waited on hand and leg all day. The sweats are great at certain times, I know from the last couple of months where I couldn't get my pants over my cast. Take care and see you next month.

  3. That is serious and very scary. So glad you got medical attention. Hope you get well and back to normal soon.

  4. OMG how scary. Wishing you a healthy and speedy recovery. But in the mean time you should milk it for all it is worth.

  5. So sorry for your health predicament! Good grief that must be scary! Rock those sweat pants! Prayers for you! A fan, Joan

  6. I think you're doing a great job with the stiff upper lip. Myself? I've been nursing my post hip replacement husband for a month...been living in my sewing room!

  7. Oh my goodness, how scary yet thankfully enough doctors knew what to do! Back in May when my own ordeal began, I went to the doctor thinking it was a blod clot and they were all over it. Not something to take lightly at all. And I'm sorry I'm also laughing, but that vision of you with your leg stuck in a snowbank is just too much, Lynn! I agree with the other commenter - rock those sweatpants and suck up all the sympathy you can - it's good for the soul! Feel better soon!

  8. Oi! Be well soon! My husband would call the fact that you weren't snowed in at the cabin and were able to get medical attention a God wink. Take care and thank heaven for sweatpants!!

  9. OMG !!! How Scary for you ! SO glad they figured out what was going on with you and you are on the mend! Wishing you a speedy recovery and sending big hugs !!!

  10. That is just so scary. I'm glad they have a plan.

  11. Scary news. Just glad they found the problem and now have you started on meds to help. And, milking the situation for sympathy and assistance is perfectly fine. We all need TLC.

  12. Oh Lynn, so sorry you have been so miserable. Hugs and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Think of it this way, you'll have plenty of time for stitching!

  13. Oh my gosh Lynn - that's just terrible! But it's absolutely fantastic that they figured it out and got you on blood thinners. My husband was hospitalized this past April for a very similar situation. He was able to get off the thinners this past November, but we are keeping a close watch on things. Take it easy - sending Hugs to you and Mr Joe, as well as virtual chicken soup :)

  14. Oh my, thank goodness they figured it out sooner than later. I'm sure the blood thinners and medication will soon do the trick. Hope you get lots of sympathy from the gals and take care of yourself!

  15. Lynn, so sorry to hear about your leg. I'm glad they caught it before anything else happened. Take good care of yourself, I so enjoy reading your blog.

  16. you take care!!! It sounds pretty bad, no matter what Mr. Joe thinks!! :-) Those blood clots can be scary things: my MIL had to deal with them because of the blood thinners they had her on after her heart surguries. Take it easy!!! Big Hugs to you!! H

  17. Wow! Prayers and sympathy from Texas. Feel better soon!

  18. I WAS wondering where you were. You usually post to your blog so consistently. May the force be with your meds.
    Really like your new design. I read recently that Pam Buda added blue to the Conestoga Crossings to add some color. I think I like it better without. More may not always be better and you seem to recognize that in your designs. Take care Lynn.

  19. Hopefully the doctors and meds will get you all better soon. In the mean time relax in those sweatpants and let the girls pamper you. Sending prayers.

  20. Sorry to hear this, you are a good sport making light of it, but I know it is no fun. I had deep vein thrombosis when my daughter was born, one of those things that one-in-a-million new moms develops and I won that lottery. I hope the swelling subsides soon and you are more comfortable.

  21. Bless your heart! Hope it feels better soon.

  22. Wow! That's awful news but so glad you have a doctor looking out for you. I hope the swelling goes down quickly and the 3 months of meds is to keep it down!

  23. Now that's crazy! So glad they found the real cause of the swelling. The good news is that the blood thinners do very well at clearing clots. I had a DVT a year ago and started with the injections and then moved to tablet (thinners)... my advice is to make sure you find a good hematologist.

  24. Thank God they found them before you had serious problems. A few years ago my daughter had them in her lungs during her sixth pregnancy, mighty scary. I had to live with them for two months and look after the children and do all her work. Hope the meds clear it up quickly.

  25. What a ordeal, thank goodness they are getting this resolved. As for I know he was kidding you but if not bread and water would be on the menu for all three meals! How
    English you are on the mend soon...if we lived closers I would bring you chicken soup.

  26. I wrote this comment on my smaller computer and after this was published noticed --- the 2nd paragraph...I wrote Hope you are on the mend soon ---don't know how the (how or the English got in there). 👱

  27. Yikes! Do take care of yourself. I hope for a speedy recovery and back to quilting as usual!

  28. Keep that leg up Lynn, and so happy that you were home when this happened! Not fun time!
