
Saturday, April 29, 2017

Time to Replenish the Fire

Hello Everyone,
It's been so busy here over the past few weeks.  Preparing for quilt shows, lectures, workshops, and classes can give me tunnel vision.  I needed to get out of the cabin and replenish my spirit with a walk in the mountains to Lake Alpine. Oh look, my hair is the same color as the snow!  What's that saying about snow on the roof, but fire in the furnace? 

 After four years of drought, California experienced historic amounts of snow this year.  We didn't have to worry about Mazey running off and chasing a chipmunk since she was totally hemmed in by the snow.  Highway 4 is closed just above Bear Valley Ski Resort.  Our walk took us on the closed road.  The mountain pass over to Nevada is normally cleared and open by Memorial Day.  This year we are hearing that it won't be open until July.

During our walk it crossed my mind that the bears are coming out of hibernation.  If we met one on the road, where were we going to go?  It's not like Mr. Joe can give me a boost up and over the berm.  No worries, no bears.

We got a chuckled out of the sign on Lake Alpine Lodge.  Closed for the winter....hmmmmm....I think it is going to be closed through spring.  You couldn't see any signs of the campground, boat dock, parking lot, or the lake.

There's a peak at the lake.  From what we could see, most of the lake was frozen over.

Back to quilting today.  Sewing machine, how I've missed you!



  1. How fun to see that deep snow pack. California is going to have some water this year! Over on the central coast we're enjoying some green fields by all this rain we got this year.
    I'm interested in attending the retreat listed in your September schedule. Can you tell me how to learn more about it and sign up for retreats with you?

  2. Oh, my goodness! I thought we had a cold and snowy winter . . . this is amazing. I bet you are looking forward to seeing all of that melt away. When you are snowed in like that in your younger years, you make babies . . . when you are past those years, you make quilts, LOL.
    Have a lovely weekend and happy stitching.
    Connie :)

  3. can you send the melted snow here in South Texas, it is dry as a bone, maybe next winter!

  4. That is a lot of snow! Very civilized that you were able to go for a walk though, especially as the sun was shining.

  5. Wow! That is a crazy amount of snow. We didn't get hardly any snow this winter. I love the picture of Mazey on the snow - such a cutie!

  6. Goodness - that looks the way our yard did this past winter minus the threat of bears! I'm sure glad you got away to recharge - I can only imagine the new designs you're thinking up as you relax!
