
Monday, May 28, 2018

A Rite of Summer

Hello Everyone,
An annual rite of summer for me is the changing of the quilts.  Memorial Day signifies the date when this begins.
My Buttonwood quilt is the most 'summery' quilt that I designed.  This quilt will now greet visitors at the front door.

I'm preparing for the Wine Country Quilt Show in Santa Rosa this coming weekend.  This is my last show until the middle of September.  I'm making lots of bundles and quilted goodies for the weekend.  This show is always a good one!

Today isn't a day to celebrate.  It is a day to remember and think about the number of lives lost in military conflicts. My  husband, my father, my father-in-law, my uncles, my cousins, voluntarily enlisted in the service, and came home alive.  They all had stories to tell.  Mr. Joe volunteered for Vietnam.  Luckily he wasn't selected because he was a jet mechanic.  At they time the military was looking for helicopter mechanics.  His story could have had a much different outcome.
 Thank you to all Veterans and their families for their ultimate sacrifice and service. 



  1. A lovely quilt for your summer. I'm sewing away on my quilt that I started at the last retreat. I hope to have it all finished by the next one :-)

  2. I need to buy your buttonwood quilt pattern!!! Love it...Happy Memorial day, indeed, a day to reflect.
