
Monday, April 8, 2019

Country Courthouse

Hello Everyone,
If you've been wondering where I've been, this explains it all.  This quilt contains 81 Courthouse Step blocks, and 64 blocks containing five 9-patch units.  The blocks finish at 5-1/2".  I say small yet mighty.

I'm going to call this quilt Country Courthouse. She is Cute as a Button's big sister.  I enjoyed making the blocks so much for Cute as a Button that I couldn't stop!  I started this quilt in mid-February.  Considering how hectic my schedule is, I think I did quite well to get it to this point rather quickly.  Now I have to write the pattern, which shouldn't take me too long.

I never tired of selecting the different fabrics for each block.  Every block is unique and beautiful in it's own way......just like people.  I did have a rule that same fabrics could not touch each other.  That wasn't too challenging since I had such a variety from which to choose.


My strategy to get this one finished was prepping every night.  I hit the ground running each morning right at my sewing machine, after I made my coffee!  This is the beginning of the 9-patch sections.

This quilt contains 401 of these little 1-1/2" finished 9-patch units.  I think I need to have my head examined.  What was I thinking?

Last week, my friend Sue in England, asked me if I was tired of working on this quilt and wanted to move on to something else.  At the time my answer was no, now I've changed my tune.  The last 10 blocks were so s-l-o-w!  I felt like I was mired in quicksand and couldn't work through it.  I was to the point that I would rather rake pine needles than work in my sewing room.  Now that's BAD!

Every night I review my to-do list, and each day I wrote, "finish quilt".  That was on my list for days, and days, and days.  Now my to-do list says work on borders which is much more pleasing to me now.  I had a dream about making a very intricate border.  That dream has now vaporized, and I'm thinking of just adding a red border which is the same as the setting triangles.  I'll let the interior of the quilt speak for itself.  I think it speaks volumes.

So the question is, did I make a big dent in my stash?  No, nada, zippo, zilch, big goose egg.  I cut 1" strips from so many different fabrics that I don't notice a dent in my stash at all.  I did however cut my way through a ton of shirtings.  I needed both 1" and 2" strips.

I'm off to my guild meeting this morning.  When I get home, I have to start prepping for my lecture at the Tuleberg Quilt Guild in Stockton on Wednesday.  I have to fold and re-pack all of the quilts from my last talk in Citrus Heights.  I'll also print and stuff patterns to fill up my pattern bin.  No raking for me today!  Oh darn, I'm so sad......not.


  1. Great Quilt! Can wait to see what your next challenge will be.

  2. I love this quilt! (I hope the pattern will include some tips/strategies for accurately cutting and piecing all those little bits and strips.) Beautiful job, Lynn!

  3. All I can say is "wow!". Fantastic!!

  4. This quilt is so gorgeous! I can't believe you finished the top so quickly! It is already an heirloom.

  5. I love the quilt. I just recently saw your pattern Cute as a button, and have been following along as you made this. I'll be watching for the pattern.

  6. This is a work of art! Congratulations!

  7. Fabulous! Your quilts are inspiring.

  8. Another winner Lynn - it really reminds me of cross stitch. Gorgeous. Had to smile at your comment about it really eating up your stash (not!) - seems lately I'm in the same groove with teenie, tiny pieces. At this rate that stash of mine will live forever!

  9. Fantastic! I am about to NOT do a fancy border on a quilt too. One I'd envisioned, and cut strips for, but am just ready to be done with it!

  10. I am making a double irish chain with 1 1/2" squares. I try REALLY hard to get all the squares to line up when sewn together (10 sq. block)but am not successful all the time. I have tried starching and not starching - no difference - any hints to help me out of this frustration?

  11. Just saw this on Pinterest, and think this is amazing! Kudos to you for persevering through to finish this big project. It's incredible, really.

  12. Great quilt, would like to make it.

  13. Hi! This is the EXACT quilt I want to make!!! Is there a PATTERN for it???

    1. The pattern is in Quiltmania, issue #139 (September/October 2020). It’s on my list, too!

  14. It’s amazing! I would love to make it! Get er done, Missy!! We are all waiting!!

  15. Wow! Wow! Wow! I admire your tenacity in doing such small blocks. What an inspiration!

    1. This is what happens when you are snowed in for the entire month of February of 2019! I just kept making blocks. Thank you for commenting. --Lynn

  16. Whew! I'm looking at the "stay-at-home order" as a vacation for quilters. I'm getting a lot done. I just finished my five nine-patch/nine-patch block and seven courthouse-step blocks for the guild quilt! I'm sending my third batch of quilts to the long-arm quilter. I think I'll go out and rake some needles!!
    Blessings and happy quilting!

    1. So good to hear from you Margaret! I miss seeing you and the rest of the guild members. You must be well since you are raking!
      Love and hugs,
