
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day

Hello Everyone,
Happy Mother's Day to all! My plan is to do what I enjoy doing......which is quilting.  My pink background fabric arrived, so I can proceed with the blocks for my new Country Romance quilt pattern.  Here are the components which make up the block.

I'm making lots of components at one time to make the blocks.

I'm packaging all of the parts and pieces into individual snack-sized sandwich bags to take with me to the Country Pines Quilt Retreat next week, where I plan on doing some serious power sewing.

We celebrated Mother's Day with all of the family last weekend.  Today is a free day for me.  I get to do whatever I want to do......and we all know what that is!

Don't forget, tomorrow is the last day of my Mother's Day pattern sale on ETSY.  All patterns are 15% off.  I won't be having another sale for awhile, so take advantage of it now.  Click HERE to go to my ETSY shop.  The sale has been keeping Mr. Joe and Mazey business with their daily trips to the post office.  Mazey loves it!  She gets to hang her head out of the car window and blow all of that skunk smell out of her golden fur.  She is smelling is the cabin.



  1. I'm doing the same, Lynn! Enjoy your day!!

  2. Martha was here with me - Friday we went to the Monet exhibit. Church this morning. She left to go home, so the rest of my day will be TV Giants game and sewing room.

  3. What a gorgeous combination of fabrics to make up the blocks...and so beautifully organized!

  4. That pink is to die for! Gorgeous!
