
Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy July 4th

 Hello Everyone,

Happy 4th of July.  Crank up the barbecue and get ready to celebrate with a sale on my Etsy site for Zinnie's Choice.  Today, through Saturday July 6th 2019, my Zinnie's Choice pattern will be on sale.  Click HERE to take advantage of the lower price.

The quilt looks more complex than it is.  I see a square in a square, flying geese, and half-square triangles in this block.

There are double flying geese in this block.  The double flying geese are fun to make with clear instructions.

The quilt only contains the components in my Patchwork Math book.

I love to decorate with this quilt.

Mazey claimed this quilt early on when she was in her puppy stage.

Deborah from Michigan, sent me a picture of her Zinnie's Choice with the modification at the top of the flag.  I love it!

We are hoping and praying there will be absolutely no fireworks here in the mountains. There are always a few idiots out there who think it's fun to shoot firearms into the air, along with some illegal fireworks.  It makes me cringe.  The fear of fire is overwhelming at this time of year.  Even though we had a banner year for rain and is now very dry.

Let us all hope and pray that all of the leaders in our country will come together and work in a bipartisan manner to form a more perfect union.  A union that would make our founding fathers proud.


1 comment:

  1. Wishing you and Joe a peaceful (and quiet) 4th of July, Lynn!!!
