
Friday, August 23, 2019

The Saga Continues

Hello Everyone,
In my last post I mentioned that two cords of firewood were scheduled to be delivered.....and it arrived Wednesday.  We started stacking as soon as it cooled down outside.  We barely made a dent in the pile that appears to be as high as Mt. Everest.

Well then yesterday, my dear Mr. Joe tripped over the cord to his sander and did the splits.  He limped, crawled is more like it, down to the cabin covered in man-glitter (sawdust).  He was a mess!  No broken bones, or at least nothing was protruding through the skin (my professional diagnosis), but he threw his back out.  Boy howdy did he throw his back out! 

So guess who is stacking wood now? In addition to finishing up everything for the retreat! Last night after dinner, I got him all settled in his chair with his ice bag and pills and proceeded to attack the woodpile like any good wife.  Ha!  I just want it out of the driveway before the retreaters show up!

Well, that lasted just one small load of eight logs when Mazie alerted me to an intruder...or two.  She took off like a shot across the street and I saw something big and brown move through the trees and brush toward her.  For the first time in her life, she obeyed the command to COME!  Could it have been the extreme urgency in my voice?  I started to back up while keeping my eye on the bear, then the two of us hightailed it back to the safety of the cabin.  I grabbed my iPad and snapped these pictures as the mama and baby bear calmly walked away in front of the neighbor's house. 

Mr. Joe suggested I was manufacturing the incident to get out of stacking wood.  Then I showed him the pictures. After about a half hour he said he thought it was safe for me to go back outside. His full body cast should come off by Christmas.

At this rate, we won't be sitting by a cozy fire this winter during a snowstorm.



  1. Well, I am happy you can be lighthearted about it! It was a funny story to read, but I am sure it is not funny to you! I think your husband's suggestion of each retreater taking an armload (or two) might now be a good one. I know I would be willing to help if I were lucky enough to be at one of your retreats!

  2. Bears...oh my! Too bad they couldn't help you carry the wood! Maizy was a good girl alerting you and not offering her life up in the process! I hope Joe heals quickly and that you stay healthy too. I wish I could come help with the wood!

  3. Your descriptive words are creating visual images of the latest Wilder adventure that are beyond vivid. Hopefully at the Retreat we can give you some rest time. Hmmm?

  4. When it rains, it pours! Good luck to you and Joe until we arrive Monday morning. Then we'll give you a rest and TLC.

  5. Oh, my what a story! Good girl Maizy - on both counts. Yes, a class requirement for retreat - carry an armload of wood. We quilters like to help where ever we can.

  6. Yikes! That was a close call! Stacking wood is the pits.

  7. You crack me up!!! Wish I could come help you stack wood!
