
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christmas Came Early

Hello Everyone,
Instead of making Christmas cookies, I've been making blocks. I think they look good enough to eat. Anyway, if I make my cookies too soon, I'll eat them all before Christmas!

This box of quilted goodness arrived from Moda on Wednesday.  The box was full of Nancy's Needle fabrics by Betsy Chutchian.  I knew the box was in transit, and then it was delayed by two days.  When the box finally appeared on my doorstep, everything came to a complete stop at the cabin. I caressed it, then folded and refolded each and every piece.  It is delicious!  

I have big plans for this box!  If I start designing and making something now, maybe I'll have something done before the fabric is released in March.  It's really gorgeous and it is my style!

I have always loved Betsy's fabrics.  She has quite the eye for design and color.

 Just a hint.....this block is going to make a beautiful, and unique border. The yellow in the center is from the Sarah's Story fabric line from Betsy.  That line is available now.

Today I have to finish wrapping and make my annual Christmas sugar cookies. If I don't get the cookies made for the kids, I may be getting coal in my stocking. 

Snow is in the forecast for tomorrow, so I'd better get down to the store early today before the shelves become bare.  Sometimes, if you go mid-day, the lines extend into the aisles.

There are three football games today.....a trifecta of football fun!  Cookie making and wrapping can't get much better than this.  I know some of you are rolling your eyes about now.  I can see them from here.   I love to wrap presents, and I think the wrapping is all part of the gift.  I also love to watch football. However, I can't just sit and watch.  I have to be doing something, so wrapping it is.

I hope you have a great last weekend before Christmas.



  1. That fabric is to die for! Lucky you! Sound like you have just about the perfect day ahead of you. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Lynn!

  2. Love the fabrics! Cookies aren't my thing but I've got the cinnamon rolls and sticky buns in the freezer, ready for family arrive! Happy Stitching and Merry Christmas!

  3. Have a wonderful, merry Christmas!! I just got Gail's letter and how wonderful that she now has a cabin so close to you!!! I suspect you'll be seeing more of her! :-) And that fabric sure does look yummy!! Thank goodness having fun with fabric doesn't add calories to us!! :D Stay warm!! Hugs, H

  4. I'm planning on cookie making today, Sunday. Yesterday was my applique group meet day, followed by a little wrapping, and of course more picking up the house for incoming company. I hope your football games did you right. Our Blues (hockey) were in San Jose so very late game last night. Zzzzzzzz ....

  5. Oh love the fabric! Better than cookies! How is your sister? Doing OK?

  6. Beautiful fabric, beautiful quilt blocks, what more could a quilter want?
