
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year and New Projects

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!
When we arrived back at the cabin after Christmas, there was a package waiting on the doorstep from Henry Glass Fabrics.  Christmas continues at Wilder's Last Resort!  I was delighted to receive a very generous package of Country Journey fabrics by Jan Mott.  This is one of the lines of fabric I will be using in my role as Brand Ambassador for Henry Glass Fabrics.

In addition to the cut yardage, the package contained two panels.  I envision cutting this panel up by season, and make a year of tablerunners.  I will make components and place them around the table runner, and each season will be different.  This is going to be a nice little project.

But wait, there's more.  The next day I received another generous package from Henry Glass Fabrics! I was excited to receive the first package......and then another one too!  This line is called Best of Days by Janet Rae Nesbitt.  This package also contained four spools of Aurifil thread, my favorite thread for piecing.

I put both lines out on the dining room table to take pictures, and low and behold, the two lines wanted to play together!  Their rich shades blend perfectly.  You know me, I use everything but the kitchen sink in my quilts.  I hit the quilting jackpot with the two fabric lines.

In my role as Brand Ambassador, I need to create one large project or three small projects.  I'm having trouble sleeping at night with all of the ideas swirling around in my brain.  I want to do this, I want to do that.....I need to focus on my main project and actually started working on a new design yesterday.

In this process I need to stay true to myself and my style.  My style is small blocks with small pieces.  I was able to create something with small pieces, yet easy to make......and most importantly easy to finish.

My process begins with really looking at the fabrics.  I fold, press, and fondle each and every piece. I get to know the fabrics.  I worked out a design in EQ software, and made a sample block.  The goal in my big project is to use almost every fabric.  By the end of yesterday, I incorporated 18 of the fabrics into 8, 9" blocks.

Over the next month, I will be posting my progress, along with tutorials and quilting tips so you can make your own quilts with these gorgeous fabrics.

So many quilters on Instagram posted their top 9 pictures with the most number of "likes".  Not one to be outdone, I posted my top 9 too.  It looks like I worked on the same quilt for most of the year!

I have totally cut back on my schedule for 2020.  Last year I spoke to so many quilt guilds and held countless workshops.  I did shows and was constantly getting ready for something, and waving goodbye to Mr. Joe.  I felt that I lived out of my suitcase, and in the process I drove thousands of miles.  I didn't have time to do what I wanted to do......and that was designing and quilting.

This year is going to be different.  I'm going to be home creating and enjoying every minute!  My word for the year is Gratitude.  I'm grateful for my family,  my friends, and the many opportunities life has given me.  I'm going to have the Best of Days in 2020.

Madame Ambassador



  1. Happy New Year to you and Joe. I think your plan for 2020 will be perfect for you.

  2. Well,Lynn...your 2020 is off and running!!!!!!
    The fabric patterns and colors are not too little, not too much, but just right!!! (Note the bear-surroundings theme). It will be more fun than ever following you as your plan comes to life.
    Happy New Year to you and Joe and Mazey!!

  3. Those are lovely fabrics, Lynn. I can't wait to see what you do with them! Happy New Year, my dear... and enjoy your sewing!

  4. Oh My gosh Lynn, I LOVE these fabrics. Can not wait to see them come to life as Paula said. The panel is darling and so "Hometownish." Love it all and can not wait. Hugs and HAPPY 2020!!!! Adventure awaits....

  5. Happy New Year! Love the fabrics.

  6. I've just read your blog for the first time and hope to come back again and again! Henry Glass is one of my favorite fabric companies and I really like small blocks with small pieces too! Can't wait to see this one develop!

  7. Lovely fabrics for a lovely lady (Ambassador). Wishing you,Joe,and Gail a wonderful 2020. Hugs to all.

  8. Scrumptious fabrics! Looks like a fun new year for you.

  9. These fabrics are gorgeous and I know you will make some fabulous pieces with them. I can't wait to see your progress!!!! Happy New Year Lynn.

  10. You have come along way baby in the last decade, you deserve all the rewards for all your hard work. Happy New Year to you, Joe and Gail

  11. Oh I do love their fabrics! How fun to be an ambassador! My biggest quilt goal this year is to work more with the colors/fabrics I love. I make so many quilts for other people that I get off course there. I've had a full set of HG fat quarters for several years and haven't touched. While they're beautiful to look at, I'd rather work with them. This is the year!! Best of luck to you in the new year!

  12. I am so excited for you! Well, and me too because I get to follow you as you live your new adventure. Can't wait to see your new design, I know I will love it! Happy 2020 to you, Joe, Mazey and Gail. XXOO

  13. Yes, do what makes you happy and we will enjoy it with you. Happy 2020 to you!
