
Friday, February 21, 2020

Moda Blockheads Block #6

Hello Everyone,
It's already week #6 of the Moda Blockheads 3 program.  I'm so afraid if I get behind, I'll never be able to catch up.

Here are my blocks so far.  All of my blocks are made in fabrics designed by Betsy Chutchian for Moda.

I usually change the directions and make the components a little easier to construct.  I like to make my half-square triangles (HST) 8 at a time.  This way I'm not dealing with small triangles and bias. I began by cutting two 4" x 4" squares.  This will give me 16, beige and brown HST. I only needed 16 because I converted the red and beige HST components in the border to 1" x 2" Flying Geese that I made 4 at a time.

First, I put the squares right sides together, then marked them with a 1/4" ruler using a Frixion pen.  Then I stitched along the lines.

Then I cut them apart.

I then had a pile of 16 HST that were ready to be trimmed to 1-1/2" x 1-1/2".  This is the size I needed for my 8" block.

I used a Bloc-Loc ruler for accurate trimming.

There you have it.  16 perfect HST.  If you want to learn more about HST from the beginning calculations to the end product, click HERE for my FREE videos on The Quilt Show.  All of my videos walk you right through my Patchwork Math book, which is basic quilters survival math. My book is available HERE in my Etsy site.

I'm really enjoying this Moda program, and look forward to the new block every Wednesday. The program will help you challenge and refine your quilting skills.

Have a great weekend.



  1. What a beautiful story about meeting your Mr. Joe! Congratulations!

  2. Well done! I like how you change the directions for the better--The last Farmer's Wife block I did had me thinking about maybe doing that!

    1. I say do whatever is easiest for you. There are so many ways to create the same component. I know a lot of quilters who have change the Farmer's Wife directions to make it easier. --Lynn
