
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Making Masks

Hello Everyone,
I dropped everything over the past two days and made masks for my family members.  I'm following the directions from Kaiser Hospital.  The directions add an extra pleat so the masks wraps around the nose a bit better.  They would have been so much easier if I'd had elastic.  The straps are the most time consuming element of the mask.

I had this great fabric in my stash to make masks for all of my granddaughters involved in FFA.  The fabric is from the Land That I Love collection by Deb Strain for Moda.  I think the girls will be more apt to wear them since there's a pig on it!

The five turkeys are no longer running amok in my daughter's garage.  They were able to make a pen at the school farm to house the little guys and girls.

Raising animals for FFA is quite the commitment for the girls.  Feeding times at the school farm are staggered so the kids aren't congregating at the same time.  It's a very real possibility the county fair will be cancelled this summer.  If that's the case, the girls will not be able to show and sell their animals.  We may have an entire pig in our freezer!  Maybe a turkey or two also.  But I refuse to buy and eat a goat! They are just too cute and have so much personality.

We've been digging our way out again.  We received another foot of snow over Sunday and Monday.  It is beautiful, but I'm so over the snow, and look forward to Spring.

This is day #23 of our self isolation.  I loved this quote that I saw on FaceBook.  Be grateful today, and be grateful that you have a today.



  1. just how far up in the mountains of California are you I'm not sure where you are located to still have so much snow now in April. Sounds like you might have a full freezer come fall at this rate - you could always keep a goat for milk and make cheese out of it and don't some make soap from goats milk :) hope your weather clears soon!!

    1. I live south of Lake Tahoe and north of Yosemite at the 4000' level. We could still have snow in May. If we kept a goat here, the bears and mountain lions would eat it! Also, the homeowners association would have a cow! Pun intended.

  2. Terrific masks Lynn, and your quote is right on the button. Poor you with the snow. Ours is almost gone but I see that there could be a bit in the forecast in a day or two. Hopefully the ground is warm enough now that it doesn't hang around. Fingers crossed that yours does a disappearing act soon too. It's time.

    1. It's melting quickly Marie. Yes it is time to sit out on the deck! Keep safe.

  3. Lynn,
    I too have joined the mask force.
    Made 6 for Kate and a few more than that for daughter Sarah...she works at the VA hospital near Sacramento. Take care, half of the mother-daughter duo.

    1. I thought you were the mother-daughters trio! Once I made the first mask, the rest were easier. Stay well.

  4. Love your masks. They are so needed by so many.

    1. Masks might become mandatory in all of California. There are some counties in the southern part of the state where they are mandatory. Stay well.

  5. I'm having a love-hate relationship with the masks right now. I love being helpful but it's taking up every second of my day and I've done nothing to prepare for Easter, let alone spring cleaning. I've had requests from family, friends, health professionals, troops overseas, you name it. I can't seem to say no but I'm really getting worn out--and yet, like you say, we're lucky to be snug at home at our machines. Someday that could be my son overseas so I just keep sewing. At least I'm getting pretty quick at them. Have been making both kinds but I'm running out of elastic so I'll only be doing the surgical masks and the ones for the troops after that (both ties). Stay well! Snow is beautiful but it would be hard for even me to enjoy it in April!

    1. I know what you mean about making masks. They are so necessary, but quite boring to make. I'm going to set aside maybe an hour a day for mask making. The snow is melting quickly, and we are looking forward to lots of sun over the next week. Stay well.

  6. Just finished my 25th mask today. All but three are being given away. Our county is one that is requiring you to wear a mask when you leave your home. I am in my third week of self-isolation and will continue as I have a compromised immune system and am over 70. My only outing (wearing a mask, gloves, jacket and cap) is once a week for ten minutes to pick up the mail as we do not have home deliver.

    1. Thank you for commenting. You sound like me, we do not have home delivery for mail here either. I have Informed Delivery that I can check online ahead of time to see if we have any mail in our box. It always lags a day behind the actual delivery. Take care and stay well.

  7. A beautiful and timely quote - thank you for sharing. Here in northern Wisconsin we have had fits and starts of snow all day - but it keeps melting just as quickly - your snowfall looks like it might linger a while...April can be a very transitional month weatherwise! You never know what to expect...

    1. Thank you for commenting Pat. We've had snow on Memorial Day here. The forecast looks like nothing but sun over the next week.....finally. Stay well.
