
Friday, April 17, 2020

The News From Wilder's Last Resort

Hello Everyone,

This is an update on a new project for Fall using Autumn is Calling by Color Principle for Henry Glass Fabrics.

I have limited fabric, so I'm trying to make the best use of what I have as I design.  In between other tasks, I'm making leaves.

Here is part of one potential layout.  I can just see this as a tablecloth during the entire Fall season.

 I'm going to incorporate this circular panel.

Mr. Joe has been baking sourdough again.  Here's his loaf of cinnamon/raisin sourdough. It was delicious, and makes wonderful toast with our morning bowl of oatmeal.

Not one to be outdone, I made two sourdough baguettes.  Here's a picture of the staples of our life.

This is day #31 of our SIP (shelter in place).  So far so good.  We keep busy each day with chores around the cabin, yard work, cleaning out cupboards, reading, quilting, walks in the woods, and watching TV.  When our self isolation is over, I don't want to wonder why I didn't do something while I had all the time in the world.

The only time we take the car out is a daily trip to the post office which is two miles away.  We also drive to the middle school, about five miles away to take Mazey for a walk at the track.  So it boils down to the car is getting three weeks to the gallon!

Now let's talk about my hair.  I've had short hair for decades. My last haircut was the end of February and I get it cut every 3-4 weeks.  I like to have my hair trimmed over my ears.....well the sides are starting to get long.  I'm afraid if I trim them myself, it's going to look like I'm going for that mullet look!

I actually love the idea that my heavy travel/lecture/workshop/class schedule has been wiped clean. I'm totally enjoying my time at home with Mr. Joe and Mazey.  One thing that I've learned during this time is that I will never fill up my life as much as I have in the past.  I was always getting ready for something.  I was always getting ready to leave home.  I always had a huge to-do list.  Now I have things I want to do, that I've been putting off for years. I'm also sleeping much better.

I've been planning good meals depending on the availability of food.  We are at the end of the supply chain in our little community, and it can be a real pot-luck at our little grocery store.  Now meat is hard to come by, along with TP, pasta, bread, and some canned foods.  When I was cleaning out the pantry yesterday, I found a 5-lb bag of flour.  I thought I'd struck the Motherlode!

Hang in there everyone.  This unprecedented time in our life will pass.  We just need to make the best of what each day brings our way.



  1. What a breath of fresh air. Our world is tilting, and we must adapt (if we want to stay sane) and take the opportunity to reevaluate our lives, like you have done. I'm working on Orphan Scrappy - also tilting - you may not recognize it when I'm through! Embrace your hair grow-out, Lynn. Remember the '60's. You might go back to that hair-do you had when you met Mr. Joe. 😱

    1. Yes, our world is tilting and we have to just hang on for dear life! I hope when all of this is over, we can meet Sandy. I can't wait to see your Lil' Orphan Scrappy. NOOOOO, I will never go back to my '60's hair!!! Stay well,

  2. you did strike the mother lode with the flour - it is insane the things that are available or not - we have no worries on meat as we have a small freezer stocked and so far enough frozen veggies & fruit to go with what I have fresh- but when I went to the grocery for the first time in weeks a couple days ago there were no can chili beans, no black beans - none dried either, no coffee cream of the variety that I like, and no big containers of butter or margarine and only a few packages of the cubes. I think they are going through cycles I have been told that you almost have to brave it and go weekly as what they are out of one week they might have the next.
    I'm the same on the hair - a trim every 3 -5 weeks and it is has been awhile and I feel like a shaggy dog

    1. Hi Karen,
      We just returned from the store, and we were pleasantly surprised when we saw a well-stocked store. We did enough shopping for a couple of weeks. We bought cuts of meat we've never seen before. Stay well.

  3. Lynn, you sure struck a chord in me with your discussion of the re-ordering of your priorities, schedule, and calendar. I am feeling exactly the same way. It's not that I was necessarily running from anything, I was just running, all of the time. I am grateful for this opportunity to look at my life in a different way. Thank you for articulating it so well.

    1. Hi Laura,
      This crisis has made all of us re-evaluate our life, and see what is truly important.
      Stay well!

  4. Love your staples....grin. The leaves are gorgeous.

    1. Thank you. The leaves are making me pretty is the wine!

  5. Hmm...instead of wine, thou and bread, it's now - wine, bread and t.p.? Yes, it could be worse!

    1. We were so excited to be able to buy two, individually wrapped rolls today. Life is good.

  6. The choice of colors is spendid!

    1. Good to hear from you Lynn S. The fabric line is really nice and fun to play with. Stay safe.

  7. I will be so excited when I can shop for my own groceries again, rather than calling in an order and doing curbside pickup. At least it's in my own town and we haven't had much trouble getting anything except toilet paper....I still don't understand that. My kids used to make fun of me for buying things that were on sale when I didn't really need them. I have a room in my basement where I store extra stuff and now they come to mom's when they run out of something to see if I have any. I guess I get the last laugh!

    1. Thank you for commenting Donna. Quite often my husband does the shopping and comes home with the oddest assortment of stuff. It's been a real test to try to put a good meal on the table. I went to the store on Friday, and had a field day in a very nicely stocked store! Stay safe.

  8. Your thoughts on stepping back resonated with me. I had the exact same feeling three years ago when I suddenly left my job of nearly 30 years and was suddenly at home and pretty much isolated. It was not exactly welcome at the time, but the time to consider what I really loved and enjoyed and what needed to be done was actually a gift. I'm glad you are embracing yours, and I love the results I see on your blogg! Stay safe and well!

    1. Thank you for your heartfelt comment. Yes, it has been liberating to step back, and away from a packed schedule. I know that I can ride out this stay at home order easier than some. I don't have the worry of having to have a paycheck, feed and educate a family. We are all in the same boat, but our boats are riding this crisis out very differently. Stay safe.

  9. So good to hear from you.
    I'm glad you are doing well.
    I too think the long-term takeaway from this "inconvenience" is to appreciate the everyday just a little bit more.
    Best wishes, Sharon McD

    1. You are so right Sharon. Appreciate everyday and being able to be with friends and family. Stay well.
