
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Balance Beam Bear

Hello Everyone,

Look what we saw when we were preparing lunch today.  My phone was handy, so I snapped a few shots.  We are calling this our Balance Beam Bear.  We think this was our visitor the other night.

We gave it a perfect "10" for the routine it demonstrated for us on the beam.

The dismount however is another story, and only gets a "4", and that is being generous.

Take a look at the length of the claws!  This all transpired about 12:15 this afternoon.  See why I'm a bit reluctanct to go out walking by myself during the day?  Mazey and I wouldn't stand a chance with one swipe of those claws.

This gives us a whole new meaning to "Shelter in Place".



  1. gosh that sure does give shelter in place a new meaning!! has this happened before? I know you said there was some in the neighborhood might have to take those bird feeders in the house!! be careful

    1. We've had quite a few bears on our deck over the years, Karen. The feeders will be inside at night, because we know he/she will be back. I long arm in my garage with the big door wide open on nice days. I keep one eye on the long arm and the other on the wildlife. I'll be long-arming this week. Yikes!

  2. Yikes! That is sure a scary looking guy.

    1. He/she actually wasn't very big. But those claws.....

  3. Wowsers, he is incredibly agile! We haven't seen our black bear yet this year, he was last spotted the weekend between Christmas and New Years next to the creek. Last year he made off with our suet feeders.

    1. We had to give up on the suet feeders. We were throwing money away and attracting the bears.

  4. Super cool to see in your pictures. I don't think I would like to be close.

    1. I was scared even though I felt safe inside the house. My heart was racing.

  5. Wow, definitely need to be careful in your neck of the woods!

    1. Yes, we are as careful as we can be. We take an air horn when we go walking. The bears don't worry me quite as much as the mountain lions.

  6. Maybe on his next visit (from a safe viewing point, of course!) you can capture him sticking the landing...he looks quite agile for sure. Our resident bears have not appeared yet either - usually by this time in May we see at least a mom with cubs. And they have not found the suet feeders yet apparently...

    1. We put the game camera out last night. If there is anything interesting on it, I'll be sure to post the "landing".

  7. A black bear hit one of our bird feeders last week too. I never saw a bear climb a tree before, he kind of jumped/ flung himself on and up he went. The claws are crazy long, they take a lot of bark off the tree. Interesting and scary at the same time. Stay safe.

  8. With the lock down, people are not keeing the wildlife at bay. We've had no bears, but almost everything else. The cats always know the big bird (Eagle) is around and stick to indoors.

    1. There are fewer people in our area than ever before, so the wildlife is taking back their territory. How wonderful for you to have an eagle in your area.....except for the kitties!

  9. Hmmm...bear Olympics - I guess that isn't any stranger than everything else going on these days! I sure hope Joe's heirloom tomatoes weren't a casualty!

    1. The bear left the tomatoes alone, but the hail wasn't very kind to them.

  10. Wow, is that a common occurrence? We've had only one bear that we've seen here at our house in the nearly six years we've been here. I'm a new reader, I think I came over from Fabric Therapy or maybe it was Quilts...Etc. Can't remember right now. Anyway, I'm enjoying it.

    1. Welcome to my blog! Thank you for stopping by. Yes, bears are a common occurrence here in my neck of the woods. Our severe drought in California, drove the wildlife into our mountain community.....and they never left. They are also multiplying like rabbits!

  11. WOW! Just look at those claws!!! I collect teddy bears, but they are harmless and have no claws!!! Cool photos, from inside, though!

    1. Even though I was inside, my heart was racing.

  12. Oh, Lynn, this post is so funny but there really isn't anything funny about the possible situations you could face going outside. Thanks for sharing and I'm so glad you had your camera handy!

    1. Read my new post for an update on our bear issue. Cinnamon-colored bears are rare in our area, so I'm glad the camera was handy.

  13. wow! pretty scary (though I loved your take on it!!) You two really need to get guns: really!! Not sure the air horn would scary a cougar away! Hugs, H

    1. I can't imagine "packing heat" on my walks, Helen. I'd be shaking too much to hit the broad side of a barn!

  14. At least it did not come in the open door and ask for dinner to be served!
