
Saturday, May 2, 2020

Christmas Ribbons

Hello Everyone,

Here is my progress on my new Christmas Ribbons design.  I've been wearing my Madam Ambassador hat for Henry Glass & Co while I work on this quilt.

The little posts in the sashing tie it all together.  The extra little "pop" of red in the center on the pinwheels is just stinkin' cute!  The fabric is called Holly Hill Christmas by Mary Jane Carey for Henry Glass Fabrics.

The block measures 10" finished.  The entire quilt/wall hanging will measure about 42" x 42".  I say about, because I'm not sure how wide I'm going to make the borders.

Normally when I make a new design, I take detailed notes and then decipher the notes, and put them in the computer.  This time, as I do a section, I'm writing the pattern as I go.  This pattern is now in great shape in my computer, and is almost finished.  It takes me forever to do all of the graphics and write the pattern.  I spend the first hour of my day, working on this pattern.  I'll be ready to hit the ground running when this fabric is released.

Over the past month I've been setting up a new computer.  It's a pain to get everything transferred over to the new one, and learn a new system.  One morning, I worked for several hours on this pattern.  I went back to it in the afternoon, and couldn't find the file!  I finally located it in "the cloud".  I didn't know I had an option of saving it directly to my computer, and in Never Never Land.  Crisis averted, but I had a few anxious moments.

On another note, I've discovered a dual use, and unexpected reason to wear the mask that I made and wear when I'm grocery shopping or at the post office.  It holds up my double chin.....both of them.

Madam Ambassador


  1. You are doing a wonderful job, as usual. This will be a beautiful quilt. dorthac at Goggle wouldn’t let me comment��

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. Sometimes Google can be such a pain. I hear your complaint a lot.

  2. The pattern is fabulous and the use (control) of stripes speaks to my heart! Continue to channel that spirit Madame A.

    1. Thank you Sharon! I can also picture this blocks in reproduction fabrics. Maybe I'll give one a try! Madame A.

  3. Oh Lynn ... you always make me laugh! (double chin) Thank you! I so admire your work ethic, attention to detail and your willingness to go the extra mile (or two) to male your work special. Your Christmas Ribbons block looks good enough to eat!

    1. Glad you got a chuckle Sandy. To make my quilts stand out in the crowd, I have to add "my style" to everything I design.

  4. I love that little pop of red plaid in the pinwheels - perfect!

    1. For something so tiny, it really makes a big impact.

  5. Great design for that lovely fabric! I like the ribbon too :-)

  6. Very pretty, it really looks like ribbons around the blocks.

  7. I sure hope that Henry Glass & Co. realize how blessed they are to have you as their Madam Ambassador. Christmas Ribbons is adorable!

    1. I think they do Fran. They just keep sending me more and more fabric to create fun projects!

  8. Oh Lynn...I love your "threaded" ribbon sashing!!!!!!!! The block is truly Merry!!!

    1. This is a fun one Paula. I like the sashings too.

  9. This pattern is terrific! Henry Glass is lucky to have you as an ambassador! I so enjoy your blog......your willingness to share techniques, closeups of your gorgeous blocks and tales of your cabin life. I sympathize: we have had a Colorado cabin for years and the forest grew up around us year by year. Then a fire threatened our whole valley and 'fire mitigation' became the watchword. We spent a lot of money having young men cut down huge trees around our cabin....heartbreaking to see. You do not realize how bare it was there when first built! I admire you and Mr. Joe for doing your own mitigating! Carol in Texas

    1. Thank you for commenting Carol. It takes us a long time to rake the lot. Our sons will work on the trees for us, and I know they would help us rake if we asked them. We think all of the yard work will keep us young....right???

  10. haha! you're so funny with the mask!! And your new pattern is just beautiful!! Not your usual colors, but you still did wonders! Hugs, H

  11. What a beautiful holiday quilt this will be! I can't wait to see the whole quilt in all of it's glory! You are truly a master at your craft.

  12. SO Christmassy! Love it. And thanks for the mask tip - I thought mine was only good for one chin :).

  13. This looks like a delectable Peppermint Patty! So pretty! You have done a fabulous design that compliments this fabric line so well. Can't wait to see the finished product?

  14. Love the prints in this new line and your pattern allows the fabric shine! Your details are inspiring! Looking forward to buying the pattern when it's available. Hugs

  15. It's a party! I want to come!!! Can't wait to make one...the fabric is wonderful and the pattern...

  16. Where can I find this pattern please

    1. Thank you for asking. The pattern is available here in my Etsy shop.
