
Monday, November 30, 2020

Decking the Halls

Hello Everyone,

I have been decorating for days here at Wilder's Last Resort.

The dining room is the highlight of the Christmas season.  A lot of furniture moving is involved to get the tree here.  I love the reflection of the tree in the seven windows.  It is so pretty at night from the outside.  I'm sure the bears, and other forest animals love it too.

All of the Christmas ornaments and "stuff" is stored under the house in the basement area, or under the garage in a space where you can't stand up.  It's a two person operation moving furniture, and then carrying in all of the boxes and totes full of Christmas treasures.  It's exhausting!

We have a new, young family that moved in across the street from us.  I asked them if they were going to put up a tree, and did they need any "cabiny" ornaments.  They said yes, so it was a good time for me to sort through my ornaments, and give some away.  They were thrilled to receive them, and I was thrilled to cut down on the number of boxes we have to carry.  I also put together a large box for the local Humane Society.  

Every afternoon, you will find me in one of the chairs next to the tree.  It is the gift I give to myself everyday.  A chance to put up my feet, rest, read, or just look at the tree.  And yes, more often than not, I close my eyes and take a short nap to recharge for the rest of the day.

Don't forget to "recharge" and take care of yourself.  Just sit back and enjoy the beauty around you.  If you get too busy doing things, you can't enjoy the importance of the season.




  1. Morning Lynn, Mr Joe and of course Mazey! Beautiful tree! Enjoy the season and I agree with the naps..need them these days. Happy Holidays!

    1. Thank you Jeanne. Since I start my day at 5am, the naps just seem to happen naturally.

  2. all so beautiful - I haven't started decorating but will this week - I culled a lot of mine out several years ago but still have enough left to decorate pretty

    1. You've been busy finishing up your gorgeous Country Charmer quilt!

  3. Thank you Julie! Merry Christmas.

  4. What a beautiful sight! And thanks for the reminder to take care of myself! We can all use a little downtime this time of year. Enjoy your lovely Christmas cheer!

    1. Thank you Wendy. Yes, downtime is good, and I have to remind myself constantly. Merry Christmas.

  5. Your tree is so pretty. And what a lovely thing to do, to share your ornaments. I had an aunt who shared with our family and we treasure those ornaments now that she is gone.

    1. Thank you Joselyn. I told our new neighbors that I was so happy they loved the ornaments as much as I did. I'm sure they will use them for years to come. Merry Christmas.

  6. It’s gorgeous, Lynn! You'll have visions of Sugarplums dancing in your dreams as you have your well-deserved naps! Mr. Squash wants to know if one of those stockings are for him! He says he’s not been naughty! Lovely gestures to your neighbors and Humane Society! We can all use a boost right now and mine is looking at your incredible tree! Hugs to you both!

    1. Mr. Squash has to prove that he hasn't been naughty before I put a name on his stocking....and I know him!

    2. He says to tell you that in 2020 it’s been more lack of opportunity to be naughty that intent...(wink)

  7. so beautiful Lynn!! I'm always amazed at how much energy you have!! Hugs, H

    1. Maybe I have a lot of energy because I take an afternoon power nap in my chair by the tree!

  8. Real tree, breathe in and breathe out, nice fresh pine needle smell. Reenergizes you and makes you more productive.

    1. It's crazy that I live in the middle of the forest, yet I have an artificial tree. It is just easier for us to put up. That's my excuse.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you Robin! I miss seeing you at the shop and events.
