
Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas

Hello Everyone,

Although this year has been a challenge, let us all try to focus on the positive, and be grateful for our many blessings.  This year, we are making new memories while cherishing and reminiscing about the past. 

Next year at this time we will all be together with our families, and appreciating every single moment of being close, hugging, kissing, and laughing.  The "socially distanced" phrase will be in our rear view mirror.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and reflect on the important things in life.....which aren't "things".

Merry Christmas,




  1. Lovely sentiments, Lynn! And that plaid Beetle is the best - even comes with Mazey! We hope for the best in the coming year as well! Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Joe!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours too.
    Distance is a temporary inconvenience, next year we will be wanting some space. Best wishes, Sharon McD and Katie too!

  3. Merry Christmas to all the Wilders, Lynn...human and four-legged!!! Wishing you and everyone a 2021 more-than-worth waiting for!!!
