
Thursday, July 15, 2021

Now That's Using Your Noodle

 Hello Everyone,

Fat Quarter Shop has my quilt now, and they posted pictures from their wonderful photoshoot on their website.

You can check out all of the images HERE on their website.  I was so pleased when I saw this.  It is my understanding they are going to make a video about the quilt next, and I can't wait to see it.  I think I will contact them to see if I can use this photo on my pattern cover.

On another note, I had a very interesting encounter with a bear yesterday.  I drove my car down to water aerobics around 8:15am.  As I was walking from the parking lot to the pool, a bear came running down a driveway from across the street, and ran in front of me.  It ended up at the back side of the area by the restaurant.  It was basically blocking my path to the pool, because I didn't know which way he was going to run.  I shook my blue pool noodle at him while hollering at the same time.  He took off in the opposite direction.  Boy, I guess I showed him not to mess with a scantily clad woman on her way to exercise class! I say that I was using my noodle, and I'm sticking to it.

After lunch, Mr. Joe headed out for a trip to the post office.  While driving down our street, just about ten cabins away, there was a bear strolling down our street. I think he was looking for the lady shaking the blue pool noodle at him! 

The day before all of this happened, we had a mama and two cubs in our backyard.  I don't have any pictures to document this as it was too dark at 5:30am.

Use your noodles today.



  1. Thank goodness you started with sharing the beautiful Fat Quarter Shop photo and update Lynn! If you hadn't I'd be almost dumbfounded!!!! Interesting encounter is an understatement!!!!!!!! (Looking for a blue noodle recipe in your next recipe share!!)

    1. I loved the photo. The bear encounter was highly interesting.

  2. So glad you used your noodle! I have a question: Can I purchase A Ribbon Runs Through It as a quilt kit since this is often lots cheaper than a BOM?

    1. Hancock's of Paducah may offer the quilt as a kit. I will post it if they do. Thank you for asking.

  3. Where do you live that there are so many bears. Love your quilts by the way

    1. You'd think that I live on Kodiak Island in Alaska.....but no.....I live in Arnold, CA. The bears came down the mountain during the last drought, and never left. They are multiplying like rabbits. There are twins running around now, and two years ago we had a set of triplets. Fun to watch, but we are always on the alert.

  4. Oh my! Glad you were able to use your noodle. Guess you'll be packing one in your purse everyday now! Haha!

  5. I'm right there with Paula!!!! What a great photo! I hope Kimberly will allow you to use it for the pattern cover! And by the way - you are the smartest blue noodler I know!!!!

  6. What a beautiful, beautiful quilt

  7. I'm getting scared for you!! Glad you are on alert: I hope you carry something for defense with you at all times!! You are pretty brave with that noodle!! :-) Hugs, H

  8. PS. That is a beautiful quilt!!!

  9. Oh my word! It is a funny story now, but I'm sure it was a bit frightening despite your powerful weapon! Who knows, "Noodling" may be a new Olympic sport someday! The new quilt is absolutely spectacular!
