
Friday, February 18, 2022

New Tutorial for A Ribbon Runs Through It

 Hello Everyone,

I posted another tutorial covering the construction of the corner blocks for A Ribbon Runs Through It.  Those of you who have kits may want to work ahead, and make a few of these blocks for a change of pace.

After I make each component, I place it on the block layout sheet in the correct orientation.  This sheet helps to eliminate errors.

Prior to cutting, I spray my fabric with Faultless Heavy Duty Spray Starch.  It makes all the difference in the world.  After I thoroughly soak the fabric with starch, I let it dry on this old drying rack above my bathtub. This old antique comes in very handy!

As you can see, I hang quilts up in the bathrooms too!



  1. Have you always starched your fabrics? By the time I do the starching, pressing, etc. I am worn out or just way behind! I usually using Best Press on my fabric before cutting. Am I really going to regret it in the long run? I love this quilt but when the shipment of fabric arrived I thought to myself " What am I getting myself into?"

    1. Hi Theresa Jo...I pattern tested this block for Lynn and didn't starch the fabric first. Like you I always used Best Press and wondered about the starching too! This time I decided to bite the bullet based on Lynn's advice and boy was it worth that extra effort!!! The fabric is more stable when it's cut and just glides through my machine when piecing - no pulling or stretching, even with bias pieces. It also didn't fray which is really important with the smaller pieces. I hope you reconsider...

    2. Also, I starched it all at once - took about an hour. Then I hung it on a drying rack outside and went about other business. It took about 4 hours for it all to dry. Later that day I did the ironing and that went quickly too as not all of the pieces are very large. Because of the starching any odd wrinkles were easy to iron out.

    3. I couldn't have said it better than Paula. Yes, it really is worth the extra effort to achieve a beautiful, final product.

  2. Truly hate to ask this question, sure it has been ask many times already, do you wash your fabric first?
    Claire D.

    1. Hi question is trivial. I do not wash my fabrics first. I do starch first. Check out the FAQ page at the top of the blog. I put answers, and frequently update commonly asked questions.

    2. Thanks Lynn. I love your quilt patterns. I purchased "Country Charmer" and it came out beautiful.

    3. Thank you! I've made Country Charmer three times.

  3. Thanks for all the advice. I guess I'll change my ways and starch. I have so much invested, I need to do it right. Thanks again.

    1. You will be glad you took the extra time to starch.

  4. you use dry iron or steam when pressing after allowing starch to dry?

  5. I've had your Cute as a Button pattern for a few years now. I finally dove in and made it within a few days. I enjoyed making it. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

  6. I used magic sizing instead of starch and so far so good.

  7. I don’t starch any of my fabrics. Ants love starch and will eat it.

    1. This is the first time I have heard of this. I don't have an ant issue, but this is something I need to follow up on.

  8. Just a little FYI I used to use spray starch all the time until last year in June when I was in my basement spraying starch which I shouldn’t have been there I should’ve been outside or someplace where I can open the window but anyway, I wasn’t thinking and just kept on spraying by the time evening came I could hardly breathe because I had ingested so much of the after spray. The starch that got in my lungs and I ended up at a lung specialist so now I just use the regular starch in a pan and dip my material in there and I hang it outside because I need to starch my material too. Just thought I would give a heads up on spraying inside, especially if you have any issues with breathing, have fun quilting.

    1. Thank you! That is excellent information for me to pass along. I hope you are doing well not. Take care, Lynn

  9. Where can I purchase the Heritage quilt pattern,every time I go to etsy it will not allow me to finish all info for payment

    1. I actually despise Etsy. You would think that they would by now update their process. I too have had many problems with them and usually don't buy from them anymore. When I see it's Etsy the purchase is forgotten. Too bad because the seller is missing out. Wish they would do something else.

  10. When assembling the quilt, I realize that I need to pay attention to the orientation of the 8 block 2s; but does it matter for the other 16 blocks? Some of my fabrics are stripes.

    1. I paid attention to the orientation.....but that just might be me.
