
Friday, April 8, 2022

Lovey Dovey is a Wrap

 Hello my quilting friends,

I haven't posted in a week because I've been at my long-arm quilting Lovey Dovey.  The binding is on and she's in the finish column.

I hung the wall hanging briefly outside to take a picture on the front porch.  The squirrels have been known to gnaw on my quilts and steal the batting to make their little nests comfy. That isn't going to happen to this one!

In the big picture of the entire quilt, you can't get a feel for the machine quilting.  I took this picture while it was on the long-arm so you could see the level of detail.  The borders are a bit different with the addition of a 1/2" flange which frames the quilt nicely.  That 1/2" makes a big different in the overall look.  Does it take more time? Yes.  Is it worth the effort?  YES!

I love how the center of the quilt turned out.

The corner treatment is also a bit different.  Could it be that I was too lazy to miter the corners and make sure the flanges (or is it flangi) line up?  That would be my guess.  I had extra blocks so I thought I may as well use them and that's my story.

I'm teaching this quilt at my Sew'n Wild Oaks Retreat which starts on the 24th of April.  Yesterday, I worked on the pattern and all of the tutorials for my class.  This is a fun wall hanging to make.  The churn dash blocks are easy-peasy.  The checkerboard is easy.  The applique takes a bit of thought.

In addition to retreat preparations, I've been working with the graphic artist and designer at Marcus Fabrics on my very own line.  It's an amazing process and I'm learning so much.  

When Spring arrives, the bears arrive.  Or maybe it's because we are outside more that we notice them.  Yesterday during our lunch on the deck, two bears ambled through our yard like they owned the place.  If they start hanging around too much, I'm going to ask them to start paying rent!  We also had two small bears on our deck the other night.  Mr. Joe and Mazey had just come inside from Mazey's last trip to the powder room before bedtime.  We heard a thump on the deck, and upon investigation there were two bears gamboling on the deck.  I've always wanted to use the word gamboling and I finally got my chance!  They weren't gambling, they didn't have little visors on in a smoke-filled room holding a royal flush.  They were frolicking on our deck.  It could have been dicey if Mr. Joe and Mazey had run into them outside.  As Mr. Joe and Mazey came in through the front door, the bears were at the back door. YIKES!

Early last night, my sister Gail sent me this video taken in front of her cabin.  I'm an equal opportunity bear-sharer type person, and sent one of our bears over to her cabin a mile away.

During our walks around the neighborhood, we always carry an air horn.....especially during this time of the year.



  1. Love the wall hanging and the bear story this morning. Someday I'll see a bear.

    1. It is exhilarating to see a bear in the wild when I'm up on the deck and can flee into the house quickly if necessary. It is scary to be out walking and see that's a different type of exhilaration!

  2. I chuckled at the thought of bears wearing little visors and tossing poker chips around! I wonder if the wildlife folks are going to have to take serious action this year?
    Lovey Dovey lives up to her name! She is adorable! Churn Dash is my favorite block and I can picture the center in wool!
    Stay safe!

  3. The center would be beautiful in wool. In the past, Fish and Game has removed a few bears from our area and taken them to higher elevations.

  4. Lovey Dovey is lovely Lynn!!! Stay safe from those bears... we need you. ❤️

    1. I'll try to stay away from the bears. Somedays is harder than others.

  5. Cute little quilt. As I was reading g this we were in Dove Creek, CO on our way SE. Lovey Dovey AND Dov e Creek at once! How did that happen?
