
Monday, February 13, 2023

Foundation Paper-Piecing Tutorial

 Hello Everyone,

You quilters are keeping me busy shipping orders for Calico Cottages!

The pattern assumes that you know how to paper-piece the little cottages.  I've posted a tutorial for foundation paper-piecing in Google Docs on how to make the cottages. I use my tutorial all the time as a refresher course on paper-piecing.  You can find and print off the tutorial HERE.

If you want to have the front door facing a different direction, then just turn the roof section over and you have a new orientation.

When I paper-piece I make the same section over several times using different fabrics.  For instance, I will make 10 roof section at a time.  Once you wrap your head around the process, it makes it easier to make them in bulk.  Then I will make 10 front door sections, etc.  

I usually begin by selecting the fabric for the roof section. This helps me select the fabrics for the rest of the cottage by keying off the colors in the roof.

I would suggest you make one complete house first, and then move on to making multiples at the same time.

I'm back in business as my HandiQuilter is all fixed and good as new.  I just have to machine quilt the setting triangles and three borders then I'm done!  I'm directionally challenged on my machine, which means I have to turn the entire quilt to work on the borders.  There's a light at the end of the tunnel and I'll be able to finish her up in the next couple of days.  Of course, now the weather is going to turn frigid while I'm trying to machine quilt up in the garage.  My poor little over worked heater can't do much to warm up a 35 degree garage!  It's supposed to be 22 degrees tomorrow morning. My little machine quilting fingers are going to snap in half like a stick! 

I must get smarter about this quilt making and machine quilting and focus more on getting things done during the Spring and Summer months when the temperatures are tolerable in my garage.  The only problem with quilting during good weather is that I open the garage door and watch the bears stroll by.  My only defense is my seam ripper!

I'm off to my guild meeting this morning for the annual Valentine's luncheon.  Susan, the owner of Quails Nest Quilt Company is setting up a little 'shop' today for the meeting.  We can shop until we drop while grazing on the potluck lunch at the same time.  It will be a great pairing of food and fabric.  We are supposed to bring a wedding picture, and I suggested we have a contest to see if you can name the person in the picture. I guess the prize could be a bottle of hair dye!

I have to sign off for now and make a Chinese Chicken salad for the potluck.  



  1. I am really struggling with the houses. But I will not give up. Do you press the seams open? I think perhaps I might be too stingy with my fabric too. And how do you get a goid Press when the seams are open at both ends?

    1. I'm glad you are sticking with it, Carole. They can be challenging at first. Yes, I press my seams open when I stitch the houses together. Don't be stingy with your fabric, the pieces are so little, more is better.
