
Monday, October 30, 2023

California Here We Come

 Hello Everyone,

We started driving for home on Saturday, so we said our goodbyes to Texas, our friends, the Marcus Fabrics staff, and the wonderful time we had there. According to my sister, and the AAA guide book the saying goes, "The sun is ris, the sun is set and we ain't out of Texas yet!"  We finally drove out of Texas yesterday, our second day on the road.  Once we left Houston, we spent the night in Abilene. 

I have a lot of pictures to share over the next few days.  This morning I'm just focusing on the Marcus Fabrics booth. Shop owners come and sit at the booth to see all of the new offerings and order fabric......hopefully lots and lots of Hearthstone!

The booth was so beautiful!

After driving through freezing fog and 26-degree temperatures, we made it to Albuqueque, NM and spent the night here.  Is this a Halloween sunset or what!

We are going to try to get to Needles, CA today.  We have to get all the way across New Mexico and Arizona to meet our goal.  I have my last retreat for the year starting on Sunday, so we can't take time to stop and smell the roses.  It's California or bust today, and it's Mr. Joe's birthday.  In celebration of his special day, I'm treating him to our free breakfast at the Hampton Inn!  No expense will be spared.



  1. Sounds like you had a fabulous time. And what a treat for Mr Joe's birthday :-)

  2. Many beautiful quilts! Sounds like you had a fabulous time. Happy Birthday Mr Joe! Safe travels....

  3. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE!!!!!! Safe travels you two!!!...Paula B.

  4. I’m thinking mr joe is happy with that breakfast and glad to be going home

  5. welcome Home. Mazey will be beside herself. Happy Birthday Joe.

  6. HaPpY BirThDaY Mr. Joe!!!! I so enjoyed reading about your adventures! Enjoy the next few days of quiet.

  7. welcome Svetlost kroz koju vidimo svet izvire iz duše posmatrača

  8. Hi Lynn, I used to follow your blog but stopped getting emails awhile ago. Now I found out that you are still blogging but can't seem to find out where to sign up again. Help!
