
Thursday, October 5, 2023

The Pumpkin Fairy

Hello Everyone,

The Pumpkin Fairy stopped by the cabin yesterday and left us a bouquet of pumpkins!  We are so very thankful for you too, Pumpkin Fairy Lisa!

This is such a beautiful arrangement.  We don't know how the Pumpkin Fairy pulled this off without Mazey letting us know someone or something was up at the garage. 

In my post yesterday, I said we haven't seen any bears lately, but we'd seen evidence of them passing through.  Well, yesterday morning, right before breakfast, Mazey sounded her 'bear alarm', and I sprang into action and grabbed my phone.  I was able to snap this family portrait of mama and her three cubs before we shooed them away.  When this trio of cubs starts having babies......well, we are going to be inundated with bears at the cabin, especially if they keep popping out three at a time.  I think I just might need to carry two airhorns with me on my walks.

The bears do not scare me, since we can shoo them away.  I just never want to get between mama and the babies....then I'm in trouble. I swear the cub standing up looks like a human in a bear costume.  Maybe it's getting ready for Halloween.

Last night we had our last Bocce Ball tournament of the year.  Mr. Joe is the Bocce Ball chairman for his men's group and organizes the monthly event.  It was a beautiful early Fall late afternoon down at the courts in Murphys.  After the tournament, we went out to dinner with some friends capping off the end to a fun and delightful day.

We are thankful for the Pumpkin Fairy, the beautiful fall day, and friends.





  1. What great visits by the Bear family and the Pumpkin Fairy!! Happy Fall!!! The bocce ball looks like it's had some glad it's not crystal for the season!!

  2. Oh I love that photo of the bears, perfect timing for your shot. Hope you keep recovering well. Thanks for your blog.

  3. Concerning the bears, who are adorable, only the females stay in the mom's territory or close by. The males must leave and find a new territory, often many miles away. So you just have to sex the cubs!! :D Hopefully they're all boys!!

  4. Oh, those precious bears! at least they aren't in your garage!
