
Side Setting Squares for A Ribbon Runs Through It

 Hello Everyone,

I've had a lot of questions about this block, so I thought it best to put a tutorial together for it.  This is an easy block as long as you follow the directions paying close attention to the pressing directions on the Block Layout Sheet.

Begin by laying all of the pieces out like this or on your block layout sheet. Stitch them together in sections as indicated in the pattern directions.

Stitch the sections together in rows.

Then stitch the rows together.

The trimming part seems to be causing the most confusion.  I really zoomed in on this image so you can see where to trim.  You need to trim here so when you stitch on the pink inner border, you don't lose your points.

I hope this tutorial answers your questions.



  1. Yes, this is so helpful. Can you tell me what the three sides of the triangle setting block should measure once it is sewn and trimmed? I am not finding any measurements for this block finished.
    Thank you so much for tutorial on this. It has been so helpful.
    Have a great day
    Lyrae G.

  2. Can you clarify… is that 1/4 inch from the point?

  3. Thank you, Lynn! I’m so excited to put this quilt together!! Xo Melissa (who can’t sign in to blogger for some reason!)

  4. Hello Lynn - yôu had mentioned a second quilt pattern to use on the leftover fabric. Do you have an ETA on when that will be posted? Thanks !

    1. I posted the additional quilt pattern on Aug. 28th.
      You can download the project from Google Docs which is easy to print out. Thank you for asking.

  5. I’m very disappointed in the level of support provided for this BOM. So disappointing to have questions go unanswered.

    1. I'm so sorry you are disappointed in the level of support. I have put out three tutorials over the past few months to walk you through the pattern and I've received a lot of positive feedback. Please send a personal email to: so I can answer your questions directly. I will also address your question on the blog. --Lynn

    2. Information has been left out! I keep looking at the pattern and searching online for the it a square or is it a quarter square block? Someone please answer me!

    3. Dear Anonymous,
      I'm sorry you are having an issue with the pattern which I think is a difference in terminology. On page 19, it says to cut 25
      3-1/2" x 3-1/2" sashing posts which is piece D. If you look at the layout on page 27, you will see the location of piece D. I hope this answers your question. Please let me know if you did not receive page 19.

  6. I just want to say Thank You for the wonderful experience of making 'A Ribbon Runs Through It'. I just today finished the last stitch on the binding. I love, love, love it, but I will never do another with sooooooo many little tiny pieces, lol My husband want to know when I am going to start another. He is very supportive of my little hobby. Again, Thank You.

    1. Dear Puff,
      Thank you so much for your sweet comment. You've created an heirloom with all of those tiny pieces, and it makes me so happy that you love it. It's great to have a husband who supports your hobby. I'm sure he appreciates your efforts.
      Take care,

  7. I just finished the top of quilt. I am new to quilting and this is only my second quilt. my first one is with jelly roll so a lot of learning curves. LOL but i took this on. It is far from perfect, lost a lot of points, squaring it up. but i love it! and learned so much. Your tutorials made it easy to get through the blocks and was able to figure the rest out. I am going to try the other small one you linked for left overs. Thank you

    1. I applaud you for tackling this quilt as your second quilt! It makes me happy to know the tutorials were helpful and that you learned a lot. Well done!

  8. Thank you for developing such a challenging pattern. I have learned so much from your directions. The fabric colors are wonderful. I have been in contact with a lady who works through Keepsake Quilting and with Marcus Bros. I told her about the Buffalo Mountain Quilt Camp I conduct here in northeast Tennessee and how I requested donations of quilting related items from many companies for the gift tote bags we give to our attendees. She had the companies send a generous box of Marcus Bros. fabrics, the
    RIBBON RUNS THROUGH IT, fabrics for our retreat tote bags! Hopefully I will have my top completed by our first retreat of the year in March. We do 8 retreats a year and I plan to show this quilt at every retreat! Thank you again for providing me with the challenging pattern.

  9. Hi Lynn, I'm running behind. Still working on the sashing strips, then will tackle the side setting triangles. Just wanted to say thank you for such an amazing pattern. I always try to challenge myself with a little more difficult pattern. I have learned so much from you. Thanks again!

  10. Lynn, I seem to missing something. I am putting the rows together, but in the layout page it refers to pieces F and G. They seem to be at the end of the sashing strips with F being a triangle and G looks to be two triangles sewn together. I have gone back over the sashing instructions, but cannot find anything that refers to adding anything to the sashing piece after sewing the frame on. What am I missing??

  11. I have lost Page 29 of the directions for Ribbon Runs Through It. I need to make my Square in a Square blocks to go between the ribbons and I don't know what size to cut the pieces. Can you please help me.

    1. Please send an email to me: and I will send you page 29 right away. Take care, Lynn
