
Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hello Friends,

Thought I would share a picture of Heartfire before I put it on the quilting machine. My plan of having this ready for Valentine's Day went by the wayside.

I had the hardest time deciding which border fabric to use. I brought three choices up to the cabin with me and I just wasn't happy with any of them. I actually put one border on then immediately removed it. I've never done that before and never will again. So what to do? The closest fabric store is about 30 minutes from the cabin and I knew they didn't carry any French General fabric by Moda.

There are times when Joe can have flashes of brilliance when it comes to color. (Keep in mind this is a man that wore a light blue polyester leisure suit that I made to a wedding and it didn't bother him in the was in the 1970's, 'nuff said!) Well, Joe rummaged about and decided that the fabric that I set aside for backing should be used for the border.....and I loved his selection.

Did you notice that Curling was on the Olympics today? I think I'm drawn to Curling since it's a sport that is more my speed. I cannot picture myself flying down a mountain in excess of 60 mph on skis or in a sled. (My thighs would hang over the sled and I'd have my own braking system built right in!) I cannot picture myself being the least bit graceful on ice skates. Nor could anyone throw me up in the air while I attempt to spin around three times. But I can picture myself participating in Curling. My knees can't believe I just said that!!!

On that note, have a wonderful evening and week everyone!

As always,

P.S. Melissa and Leslie had a wonderful sale at the shop this past weekend to celebrate the anniversary for the store. I worked on Sunday and was so happy to meet one of the regular readers of the blog! This one's for you Valerie! What a pleasure it was to meet you. Our customers are just THE BEST!