
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Marathon Quilting Continues

Good Morning Friends,

The marathon Olympic quilting filled my house and life this week. I was determined to get Heartfire on the quilting machine and get it finished! I've mentioned before that I'm a slow machine quilter, especially when it comes to stitching in the ditch. I love quilting feathers and I can zip right along on the borders. But the interior of the quilt took me hours and hours. I can't stress enough to appreciate your machine quilter!

Here's the back of the quilt. The selection of backing fabric ranks high on my list. The back of the quilt should be just as attractive as the front of the quilt. The binding and backing also have to compliment each other. I'm not one to throw just any old piece of fabric on the back. As a general rule, most of my quilt backs are all pieced. I love the wide fabric, but I also love to use up what I have in my stash or sable (Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy!) The French General fabric line has a wonderful, little decorative border by the selvage that I was able to utilize on the back. Zoom in if you can so you can see it.
So, it's quilted, and the binding is almost finished! I've got dark circles under my eyes staying up until midnight working on the binding while watching the Olympics. NBC always saves the best for last. And yes, I could record the events and view it the next day. I'm one of those people that doesn't want to know the outcome prior to the event. I leave the room when the evening news comes on with the results from the day. I like perching on the edge of my chair and being surprised at the outcome.

I told you I've been busy! Here's another block ready for applique for Party in the Garden. I love this little block! She was a fun one to design. The Garden Party fabric is just a joy when it comes to designing. The fabric just "speaks" to me. So now I have another hand project to work on next week until the wee hours of the morning.

On another note, here's a "shout out" to all of the Ladies from Sonora! What a treat is was to meet you when your bus made a pit stop at the shop on Thursday on your way to San Francisco. What a fun group! I think I'm just going to hop on your bus the next time you go on a road trip.

Have a wonderful week everyone, and remember, quilt every day and your projects will be finished before you know it!

As always,



  1. Love your quilting and the Party in the Garden is really coming along beautifully...I can hardly wait to see it all together.
    Quiltingly Yours,

  2. your party in the garden is beautiful. Can you send me some details at your convinience?
