
Friday, March 20, 2020

Moda Block Heads 3

Hello Everyone,
Well, I looked at, and tried to make something more intricate with Moda's Block #10....and just couldn't make it work for me.  So I made an alternative block called Lena's Choice.

It is comprised of the following components.  The measurements listed, are the finished size of the components.  When stitched together, they will make an 8" square.

8 - 1" x 2" Flying Geese
4 - 1" x 1" Half-square triangles
4 - 2" x 2" Quarter-square triangles.
5 - 2" x 2" Squares

It's not hard, you just have to be very precise and take your time.  I use my the formulas in my Patchwork Math Book all the time.  It really helps me plan out my blocks, and resize other blocks to the required size that I need.

Well, here it is day #5 of self-isolation.  In California, we are only allowed to leave our homes to go to the grocery store, medical appointments, post office, bank, and walk the dog. We can only meet in groups no larger than six, but have to maintain social distancing.  All non-essential businesses are closed.  The economic impact is more than I can grasp.  My community is already living on the edge financially, so I can't imagine how hourly workers will survive.

I cancelled my April Sew'n Wild Oaks retreat and moved it to June. I hope by then we are on the other side of the virus.  Only time will tell.

Mr. Joe, Mazey, and I are doing fine so far.  Two of my children work at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and so far so good for them.  My daughter is considered essential, and still goes in to work on a limited basis.  My son is on-call.  My other son works for the City, and he is working only one day a week.  Luckily, they will keep receiving their pay checks.  My daughter-in-law will not be receiving a check and when her vacation time runs out after 3-weeks, that's it.

Hang in there everyone.  After this is in our rear view mirror, we will all appreciate a hug, a touch, and social interactions, more than ever.

The running joke, and we all need a good laugh, is that we are 6-weeks away from learning everyone's true hair color!  For me, what you see is what you get.....gray.




  1. I actually have a box of hair dye in the cupboard lol - I have been going back and forth between thinking of growing it out or use it in another week or so - we will see how that goes. you are harder hit this us right now but we are mainly staying home also. My daughter works at the library and they started curbside service and cleaning books off constantly - no customers inside but still working and doing children's programs live on facebook which the kids see to enjoy

    1. All libraries are closed here. It makes it harder for those parents doing home schooling. Our schools may not open until next Fall.

  2. I agree about #10, so I am going to accept your challenge. You might get a call? I will send an email about my families status as of today, we are all making adjustments. I am being watched over, a blessing.

    1. I'm here if you need help. I hope the next blocks are more of a challenge. If not, I'll just come up with my own!

  3. I was supposed to get my hair cut and colored next week, so I'll be REALLY grey by the time things get back to normal. My husband has been wanting me to let it go (so he doesn't look older than me), so at least he'll be happy with the outcome!

    1. I shouldn't laugh.....but that was funny Nan!

  4. Natural hair color with the different shades of gray Ombre is just beautiful. Mine is still coming in mostly where my side part is and where it T's with the back POOF. That is where I first found my first white hair, on my 40th birthday. Hubby said, "That's not white!" and pulled it out. I then laid it on a piece of white Kleenex and it disappeared! HA! This is now many years later, and it goes slowly for me. Daddy still had color in some of his hair when he was 90! Natural!

    1. I really like the POOF part. I blame my hair color on my three children. I never thought they would turn into the responsible adults they eventually became.
