
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Support Your Local Quilt Shop

Hello Everyone,
This is a public service announcement that I really want you to take to heart.  

We all need to work together to keep the doors of our local quilt shops open once this crisis is over.  Think of your local quilt shop as a family member that needs your help.   

I spend hours in shops teaching, and I see first hand all the good, quilt shops do for their community. I love the friendships I've made that will last a lifetime.  I see the laughter, and a camaraderie unlike any other shop.

I know times are tough right now, and I know this is a very scary time for us collectively.  What I'm asking you to do is go online, and purchase a gift certificate from your local shop. While you are on their websites, do a bit of online shopping too.  Whatever you can afford would be wonderful to help them get through this crisis. They are all feeling a massive, economic impact on their business.

The shops I'm going to support are:

In Between Stitches in Livermore, CA

Ladybugs in Manteca, CA

Cloth and Quilts in Hilmar, CA

This is where I shop on a regular basis.  I personally know the owners, and look at them as extended family members.

Please join me in supporting your local quilt shop, so they can reopen their doors after this crisis if over.

Stay safe and healthy,



  1. Fortunately, I made it into my favorite local quilt shop last Friday. They are closed now for awhile but I will definitely be back to see them when they are. The relatively new owner had done an amazing job re-organizing and adding beautiful fabrics and inspiration. I get their newsletter and will find out if they are offering any online services like you suggest. We really do need to do what we can to support the smaller businesses. We need them!

    1. I really worry about small businesses and their employees. You were lucky you made it to your shop last week. Stay healthy Loris.

  2. My LQS is still open and yesterday I shopped with my 7 year old grandson (with the permission of his mother) along. He selected fabrics to make some pillowcases for his first sewing project. My area is more social distancing than quarantine so far.

    1. Good for you starting your young grandson to sew! Everything is on lock down here. All non-essential businesses are closed. Grim, but necessary.
