
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Our Zinnie

Hello Everyone,
How can our hearts still keep on beating when they are so badly broken?  Zinnie's heart stopped Wednesday afternoon while catching a ball.  My heart will never be the same.

My only solace is that she was playing when she died.  We always play catch in one of her favorite spots across the street from the cabin.  She ran up the court, jumped high in the air, caught her ball, collapsed, and died, apparently from a massive heart attack.  It was so quick.  By the time I ran to her I knew she was leaving me. She didn't suffer.  My regret is that I was the one who threw the ball.

She was our constant, and faithful companion wherever we went for the past 5 years.  She loved to go for walks in the woods, long swims in the high mountain lakes.  When I was quilting for too long, she would bring her ball and drop it at my feet to remind me I needed a break.  She enhanced our lives.  She kept us healthy.  She was our little girl.  She was our Zinnie. 

Every morning she went out with Mr. Joe to get the morning paper.  She selected his socks from the sock drawer each day.  She had a huge vocabulary and she knew and understood every conversation we had with her. Most of all, she knew she was loved, and she loved us the way only a dog can love, unconditionally.  She was as devoted to us as we were to her.

Zinnie, we will meet you at the end of our trail, and walk over the rainbow bridge together.

Zinnie was going to select the winner for the contest on Saturday. That is just going to have to wait. 



  1. sweet doggie!!! Time will heal,our dog Riggs died 1 year ago April & we still think of him but the pain goes to gappy memories!
    Karin :)
    in NY

  2. What can I say. Nothing really cos I'm in floods of tears here for Zinnie and for both you and Joe. At least she was doing one of her favourite things in one of her favourite places with her favourite people. I know just how much you will be hurting and am sending you both lots of hugs. {{{{{ }}}}}

  3. So sorry to hear about Zinnie...sending hugs...

  4. A beautifully written eulogy for a friend that enhanced your life so much! I can only imagine how loved you and Joe made Zinnie feel every single day.

  5. There is nothing like the love and affection of a golden retriever. I am so sorry for your loss. Please take care.

  6. Zinnie loved catching balls. Your loss saddens me. Hang on to the wonderful memories of the good times you shared and know Zinnie loves you.

  7. I`m so, so sorry for your loss. Big, big hugs.

  8. So sorry to hear about Zinnie and sending lots of huggles to you both. Take care.

  9. I'm so sorry, Lynn. It hurts so much to lose a pet.

  10. Oh Lynn I"m sorry to hear about Zinnie. Hugs to you both.

  11. My heart breaks for you Lynn; thinking of you and yours.

  12. oh no! My eyes are full of tears. Bailey (who sits behind me while I check the morning posts) send you our condolences! Zinnie was our buddy too!

  13. So, so sorry for your loss, will be sending hugs and prayers your way. What a beautiful dog she was and I know that she had a wonderful life with you.

  14. My heart is also broken for you. I am so very sorry for your loss. The same thing happened to me many years ago with my Golden. I'm thinking of you and sending hugs.

  15. Hearthache. I feel the pain as a pet owner. I am very sorry for your loss.

  16. My heart sank the second I saw the thumbnail & title of your post and I opened it immediately, not wanting to read what I already knew. The breath has been knocked out of me and I've been trying to figure out what to say through tears for the last half hour. I know and understand how deeply Zinnie is loved and always will be loved. We were blessed to have spent time with her and love her too.

  17. Oh this breaks my heart. I am so sorry. But she was doing what she loved and with the special person in her life. Savor those memories.

  18. My heart is breaking for you. She was so young, it doesnt make sense. But I do know dogs very well, and the ones who love to play really love to play so dont regret throwing that ball. For all we know she is still playing catch in heaven and I can think of nothing better. I am truly sorry for your familys loss.

  19. When I saw the picture of your dog balancing a biscuit on her nose it reminded me of the silly tricks we used to play with our dogs. I'm sure that she enjoyed every minute with the time and attention and love that you lavished on her. Losing a cherished pet leaves a huge hole in your heart and life. Bless you.

  20. Oh my gosh Lynn, I am so heartbroken to read this post. I just loved your pictures of Zinnie and she has brought a smile to my face more times than I can tell you. I have always thought that she is such wonderful sweetheart and how blessed you and your family are to have her as part of your pack. There are no words. I am so very, very sorry. My heart breaks for you.

  21. Only time will help. I had a Show and he was just as special to me as Zinnie was to you. Sorry for your loss.
    D.G. L

  22. My heart goes out to you. Take comfort in knowing Zinnie was doing something that she loved doing when she died and that she didn't suffer! Big hug!

  23. So sorry to hear of your loss. Hugs to you.

  24. What a wonderful tribute to a truly amazing and beautiful dog, Lynn! I am having such a hard time believing she is gone, especially after seeing her so active just last week. Knowing Zinnie made me want to have a dog of my own even though I know my kitties would disown me. In a way I felt like Zinnie was part mine, too. During my visits she would always spend at least one night sleeping in my room beside my bed to keep me company and let me know that she loved "Auntie Gail" too. I will always remember her and she will hold a special place in my heart forever! I wish there was something I could say to make the pain go away, Lynn. Just know that you and Joe gave her a truly wonderful home with so much love! My heart aches for you both!

  25. SO sorry for your loss Lynn ! Ending VERY BIG HUGS !

  26. Oh, Lynn, I'm just so very, very sorry!
    Hugs and tears,

  27. I am so sorry for your loss. What happened to Zinnie is truly heartbreaking.

  28. Your post made me cry. My heart goes out to you, Lynn.


  29. Please have no regrets. Zinnie was having a great time with a person she loved. My heart is with you.

  30. Oh Lynn, I'm so sorry! Sending you hugs!

  31. Oh I am so sorry , being a dog owner I understand your emotions at this time , they are such a huge part of our lives and Zinnie was sure a handsome dog . I guess you can be thankful he was doing something he loved . Hugs Sheila

  32. What a beautiful post to remember your beautiful Zinnie! So glad she was in your lives and I know she was the happiest dog on the planet to have been with you!

  33. I think you have your quilt name: Zinnie's Choice

    1. Dear Robin, You are a "no-reply" status so I can't thank you personally for your comment. Zinnie's Choice was the name we decided on this morning. My husband came up with the same name in the middle of the night. Thank you. Lynn & Joe

    2. Zinnie's Choice - I don't think any other name would do. It's all right there.

    3. Absolutely the perfect name for the quilt.

  34. So sorry for the sudden loss of your wonderful dog Zinnie.

  35. I am so sorry to hear about your Zinnie. I am a dog lover so I know how difficult it is when it's time to part with your precious pet. My dogs provide me with lots of love, happiness and laughter.

  36. Oh Lynn and Joe, our hearts hurt with you and we're sharing your tears. There is nothing so bad as to lose your furry companion. You've remembered her in a very special way. We know she's read it a dozen times or more from doggy heaven. She was so lucky to have you both as people companions.
    Our deepest and dearest sympathies go to you both.

  37. I am so so sorry for your loss. Having lost several fur kids of my own I I know exactly the heartache that you're feeling at this time. Hugs and prayers for you all!

  38. I am so so sorry for your loss. Having lost several fur kids of my own I I know exactly the heartache that you're feeling at this time. Hugs and prayers for you all!

  39. So sorry to read this. I know you must be hurting. We have two dogs, both are members of the family.

  40. It always hurts so much when we lose a furry member of the family and to have it happen with no warning makes it worse. It's little consolation but remember that she filled your life with so much love and happiness.

  41. Es una gran perdida, porque se quieren tanto y son tan agradecidos con nosotros , solo las personas que tienen animales en su casa entienden el gran amor que nos dan y nuestra gran pena al perdelos, tu consuelo es que fue muy feliz con vosotros y le disteis una buena vida con mucho amor. un abrazo desde Barcelona, Reyes.

  42. So sorry to hear of your loss, it's heart breaking! We lost our 5 yr. old Max a dachshund to a severe back injury about a year ago and we still miss him every day.

  43. Oh no,no, no! I'm so sorry. Nothing is worse than losing a child or a dog (or cat). Nothing. Dogs are so wonderful and their only fault is that they live such short lives. I wish I could say something that would make your pain better. That loss is what drives me to scrounge together the money each month for Charlie's heart medication. This month I sold a quilt top that I really spent a lot of time on for probably the money it would cost just to buy the fabric so that I could get him one more month of life. We would do anything for them. You gave her a beautiful life and every second of it was happy, even to the very last. I'm crying with you. Love you! Bev XOXO

  44. I'm so sorry about your sweet little Zinnie. What a great gift she was to you. She had a wonderful life.

  45. Lynn, i am so sorry. Prayers for your broken heart.

  46. I too am so sorry. It sounds like you belonged together.

  47. I am so sorry for your loss. Such a great post about your dear friend. If only we all have the opportunity to die doing what we love. Many hugs!

  48. So sorry for your loss. Nothing can compare to the love of a dog and I'm sure her love will be greatly missed by you and your family.

  49. My heart is breaking along with yours and your husband's, Lynn. I too take solace in that once day we will all cross the Rainbow Bridge together with our beloved fur babies.

  50. Lynn, your pictures and tribute to Zinnie are beautiful. The unconditional love our dogs give are such a gift in life. She was too young, and I'm glad you threw the last ball to her-she loved you and died doing what she loved...being with you. The 'what-ifs' will drive you crazy - if it hadn't been you, it'd have been the next person and you might have felt guilty for not taking time with her. Psalm 56:8 says God counts your tears and records them in His book. Thanks for sharing more than your quilting - your love and heart for Zinnie. Hugs and prayers to your family.

  51. Oh Lynn I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are such a special part of our family and when they go to the rainbow bridge they take a piece of our hearts with them. What a beautiful pup Zinnie was - big hugs my friend.

  52. Lynn, I just came across your sad news at 44th Street Fabric Blog. I'm so very sorry. I understand what your going through, we lost our sweet Lucy after 4 1/2 years on January 30th. Not a day goes by that I don't think about and miss our sweet girl. My prayers go out to you. If it helps, I had a local jewelry artist to make me a necklace in her memory, it has an angle wing, a heart with a paw print, a pearl, and a glass double sided locket with Lucy's picture on one side and Lucy and her sister "Sophie" on the other. It is a silver antique looking necklace and she did the girls pictures in black and white. It is awesome and I wear it almost everyday. I'll be glad to pass her info to you if your interested. lisamcgriff (at) Hotmail (dot) com is my email...

  53. Bawlling. So very sorry, my heart is broken right along with yours. My senior dog is 13 and I know one day soon I'll have to say goodbye to him.

  54. Dear Lynne, I have just discovered your blog and am looking forward to reading more. With tears in my eyes, I just wanted to say that I am so sorry to read of the loss of your beautiful companion Zinnie. Our hearts do break at the loss of our beloved furry loved ones, and I am dreading the day when my little dog, who I absolutely cherish and adore, leaves my side. My thoughts and kindest wishes are with you.

  55. I am so sad for you and your family, I know you love your Zinnie as much as I love my dogs, the pain is really palpable when you lose such a devoted and loving friend. Your post is such a loving and wonderful tribute to your beautiful girl. Please don't ever regret throwing that ball , she went doing what she loved! If only we all could cross the bridge in such a joyous way! It does take time , we lost our 12 year old German Shepherd girl, Sasha, 2 years ago last Christmas and I have only just brought home a new little girl a few weeks ago. Whenever I lose a dog I always think the pain of loss is terrible but the joy of that loving friendship is so worth it!! Zinnie will be missed but never forgotten, even by your blogging friends. Please don't worry replying, I just wanted to send some love.

  56. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry Lynne to you and your family. I cannot express enough how terrible I feel for the loss of your sweet Zinnie. Big hugs being sent your way.
