
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Zinnie's Choice

Hello Everyone,
I told you I would post the winner of the naming of the quilt I am.  Robin said:
I think you have your quilt name: Zinnie's Choice
Mr. Joe had also thought of this name Wednesday evening after we lost her.  We both agreed, Zinnie's Choice was the perfect name.  Robin, please send me your email so I can get in touch with you and mail you a copy of my Patchwork Math book.

Zinnie's Choice
Here is Zinnie's Choice named in honor of our dear little furry kid.  (The puppy, not our grandson Jess!)  This picture was taken the weekend we brought Zinnie home to live with us five years ago.  She spent her first weekend in the lake and never left it.  Zinnie and Jess grew up together and they were devoted to each other.

Zinnie would have wanted to have two winners, so our little, non-furry grandson Jess offered to select another winner.

Right now Jess is saying, "Grammy, I'm bored and I want to get back to playing." 

Jess selected Kellie from Indiana!  Kellie named the quilt, "Old Glory Patchwork".  This name will also be on the quilt pattern.

Congratulations to you Kellie.  I'll put a copy of Patchwork Math in the mail to you in Indiana.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that sent me such touching emails and all the comforting comments.  I've read each and every one multiple times.....always with a tissue in hand.  You have brought us great comfort just knowing there are so many caring people in the world.  We are getting through each day.......slowly.  It is so helpful having family with us over the holiday weekend. Each day I've been trying to send out thank you emails.  I will get to everyone in time.  To those who are "no-reply", I'm sorry that I can't email you directly.

Thank you too for all of the wonderful names submitted.  I appreciated all of your suggestions and interest in the contest.  Zinnie would have had so much fun picking the winner.



  1. I think a very appropriate name, and congratulations to the winners. Having family around will make the hurt a little less. Hugs and prayers.

  2. What a perfect name for your quilt!
    Hugs to you and yours!!

  3. Oh dear, the waterworks have started again...Jess is just a beautiful's just not fair that his whole world is so sad this weekend. Hug each other tight.
    Congratulations to the winners. So deserving.

  4. So sorry to hear,of your loss, no words can express how you must be feeling. What a nice little tribute to Zinnie.

  5. Congratulations to both the winners, and to Jess, who agreed to stop playing for long enough to help you!

  6. Oh my goodness! Thank you Lynn, and thanks to Zinnie in heaven, Im tingling all over! This post is so touching.

  7. What a wonderful name for that quilt......

  8. Zinnie's Choice is such a perfect name! Your grandson is so adorable and looks so proud. Congrats to your winners.

  9. Am sorry for your loss. Our pets, especially goldens, are so very wonderful and enrich our lives. I have owned 4 goldens over the years. When your heart mends, I hope you will look into rescuing a golden. We got our 4th golden from the Oklahoma Golden Rescue Group when he was a year old and he has been a fantastic dog. Lots of goldens looking for love out there.

  10. A perfect name and a Wonderful tribute to Zinnie !! COngrats to the winners !

  11. Thank you, Lynn! Just returned from Colorado after a visit with my Mom and saw your post. I was so touched by your remarkable furry friend and hoped the name would give you a happy memory of this special weekend. Your grandson is too adorable for words and congratulations to Kellie from Indiana! Wishing you and your family all the best.
