
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Hello Everyone,
Long time no hear from me.  I survived the quilt show in Folsom last weekend.  Came back home and took care of all the inventory, accounting and filled orders.....then I got sick.  It seems that I'm getting sick after every show.  I visit with hundreds of quilters during the show....and I'm a hugger.  I guess I need to start taking Airborne weeks prior to a show and try to build up my immune system.

Yesterday was the first day that I felt good enough to get off of the couch and into my sewing room.  I'm working on the design for the quilt that I'm teaching on the quilt cruise to Alaska in July.  This block is called Eagles Nest.  The quilt is going to contain blocks with names pertaining to Alaska.  I'm also converting all of the directions to Patchwork Math components.  These are my first two test blocks.  I'll get some more completed today if I can stay awake and concentrate.  Yesterday the cold medication was interfering with my normal thought process.  Mr. Joe might have a bone of contention that there is a normal thought process in my noggin!

I have a busy week ahead. My plan is to dig my way out (snow is predicted Sunday night) of the cabin on Monday, and head to Paradise to speak to the Ridge Quilters' Guild on Tuesday with a Patchwork Math Workshop on Wednesday.  I'm going to baby my throat all weekend and not say a peep for two days.  Insert pictures of Mr. Joe doing back flips here.  Maybe I should just carpet bomb him with emails all weekend. 

In reality, Mr. Joe has been making me soup, or buying chicken soup from the local Chinese restaurant.  He's been keeping the cabin extra warm, and has been very attentive.  He's a keeper. 

So I will keep on, keeping on and see all of the good people in Paradise next week.




  1. Glad to hear you're feeling better. My husband swears by Airborne. Keep on building your immune system with that chicken soup too!

  2. Maybe you need more rest on a daily basis. I am a big believer in daily naps.
